The “Running of the Bulls” is a momentous event that takes place on I-29 every day from 3-6 p.m. During this time, it’s nothing but “Driving Semi Safe”
Author: Grant Gloe
Four Ways to Live Without Sleep
Now that we’re getting back into the swing of things, there are a few things we get to say “goodbye” to. Some are a little “Four Ways to Live Without Sleep”
Calling All Senior Citizens
This is a shoutout to North Dakota State’s senior citizens. That’s right: the 21-year-olds and older heading into our final year (we hope). We’ve had “Calling All Senior Citizens”
Fire Alarm Fun
It’s about the time of year where we take a trip down memory lane. Everything is changing once again, and it’s nice to reminisce about “Fire Alarm Fun”
Don’t Let ‘Em Forget Fargo
PHOTO COURTESY | STEPHANIE MIGNON Let’s get some use out of the permanent winter. Cawker City, Kansas is home to the world’s largest ball of “Don’t Let ‘Em Forget Fargo”
Diving into Dead Week
PHOTO COURTESY | FLICKR.COM Finals are fast approaching, use the time wisely. You may be aware some places are stretching Earth Day into Earth Week. “Diving into Dead Week”
The Sun Finally Gets Through TSA
PHOTO COURTESY | TUCKER W. Look at all these people happily and patiently waiting in line to take off half their clothes and walk through “The Sun Finally Gets Through TSA”
T.J. Miller Returns Meaning to Life
PHOTO COURTESY | WIKIPEDIA T.J. Miller finds himself in a scandal that is more ridiculous than repulsive, good for you. In this day and age, “T.J. Miller Returns Meaning to Life”