NDSU students walking down Memorial Union hallway.
Welcome Freshman,
Only two short years ago I was in your place. North Dakota State can be frightening and invigorating at the same time. There are so many new expectations, people to meet and places for you to explore. Yes you have a clean slate for your GPA, but classes aren’t as easy as they maybe once were. Yes, you have a dining center with many choices when it comes to breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but make sure don’t gain the freshman 15. Yes, there are free tickets to the football games on the weekend, but make sure you are up and ready because they sell out fast. Stay healthy, go to the gym, make new friends, socialize, get a job, study two hours before and after your class, oh, and don’t forget to sleep. Freshman year can be stressful, trust me I remember. But it is also going to be one of the best years of your life, and hopefully these tips help to better your year even more.
Waking up for Class
Yes, maybe you have an 8 a.m. class and you are ready to learn new things in a new environment. But I promise that doesn’t mean you have to wake up two hours early. Get a little extra sleep, don’t dress to the nines and then go get a good breakfast. If you are naturally an early riser, then make the most of your time, study, go to the gym or meditate. Whatever helps you to have a more relaxed day.
The teachers are probably lying. Although some people may need an extra four hours of studying for each class, it is most likely not the case. Now, I’m not saying don’t study, but I’m also saying there are literally not enough hours in the day for you to study that much for each of your classes. Take a breath and figure out a studying schedule so you are able to get everything in and have time to have a social life because that is important to your health as well.
Staying Healthy
Dining centers. A lot of food and very little self-control do not mix well. All I can suggest for your here is to eat healthy and take full advantage of the Wellness Center that you have already paid for. Get involved in intramural leagues, pick up games or just get in a good workout. I’ve been told that the amazing new aquatic center will be opening in September, so try out the pool. Even if you just take a walk around the track, I promise that it will not only make you feel better, but it will also boost your energy levels and add a little extra happiness to your day.
Making new friends can be slightly terrifying, but I encourage you to be yourself and find people that you click best with. Wear what you want to wear and do the things that interest you and you will come upon the people that you click with naturally. Don’t be afraid to go up and introduce yourself. Chat until you find a common interest. Add everyone you meet into your phone, whether it be through Snapchat or their number. Sit by someone new in the dining center. Do these few things and you are guaranteed to find the best group of friends for you here at NDSU.
There are a lot of new things to experience here in college. Hopefully taking from the experience of others, will help your freshman year to be the best it can be.
Good Luck,