bible study

Bible Study Seeks Students’ Fellowship, Souls

bible study
A recently formed campus bible study emphasizes collaboration and obedience.

A weekly Bible study group, formed by North Dakota State students and local religious leaders in February, is seeking interested students.

“Our goal here is to promote friendship and understanding in the NDSU community,” said Reverend Jim Jones, a founding member. “Also, it’s really, really important to us that you accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal savior.”

“He’ll change your life,” Jones added.

Jones, in cooperation with an interdenominational group of local pastors, began discussing the idea in January.

“I think it was my response to the way a lot of Bible groups and churches alienate people, you know? They come on too strong,” Jones said. “But, ever since I surrendered my life to the Lord Jesus Christ, which fulfilled my purpose on Earth and ensured me eternal life in Heaven, I’ve known that ‘church talk’ doesn’t reach most people.”

The group emphasizes dialogue and mutual respect among people with different ideas and beliefs.

Father Richard Ramirez, a priest at the Cathedral of Saint Mary and an early member of the group, believes contrasting views can be resolved through discussion. “Reverend Jones has an evangelical background and I have a Roman Catholic background. Despite our differences, I respect him. I admire his faith, even if he’s completely wrong and in danger of eternal torment on some issues,” Ramirez said.

Students involved with the group agree it promotes spiritual growth in a gentle, inclusive way.

“It’s just a laid back atmosphere,” said Susan Atkins, a recent attendee. “I’ve learned a lot. Before I started going, I had no idea smoking, drinking, gambling, red meat, oversleeping, backgammon and Biology 150 would keep me from getting into Heaven to be with Jesus. It was really eye-opening.”

“There’s no condemnation, either,” Atkins said. “Last week we had an atheist student come in and we made sure to tell him he was totally wrong and definitely going to suffer in Hell in a kind, nonjudgmental way.”

“We’d be delighted to see you and get a chance to talk to you before the semester ends,” Jones said. “All you need to bring to your first meeting is a Bible, $50 in cash, a valid nine-digit Social Security number and an open mind.”

“Everyone’s welcome,” Jones said.

Interested students may contact Reverend Jones at


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