It’s that time of year. Spring break is here. Students and faculty of NDSU will be getting a much-needed break from classes, homework, and the campus as a whole. While many people are planning big travels including going to other countries or even just going back to their hometown, some people will be staying here in Fargo and spending spring break alone.
Some may think that this is a sad reality, but actually there are plenty of ways to enjoy your alone time. I am someone who enjoys being alone sometimes, so I have some ideas on how to fully enjoy your alone time over the break.
Create a bucket list
From now until the first day of break, create a list of things you have wanted to do for a while but haven’t had time. Over spring break, you can do those things. These things can be anything from cleaning to just playing a new video game. Challenge yourself to check off as many things from your list as you can over the break.
Pick up a new hobby
Look on the internet for tutorials about a cool new hobby or craft you could make. Maybe you want to try crocheting for the first time. Maybe you want to try digital drawing. There’s a variety of things that you haven’t tried, so try them now.
Spring cleaning
As someone who hates cleaning, I struggle to find time to do so. Long breaks are the times when I clean every inch of my apartment. When it’s finished, it always feels so satisfying as everything is clean and it’s like I’m starting completely over with my place. One big tip I have is to try not to cram everything on the same day, but instead to create a cleaning schedule. Focus on one room each day so that way you don’t feel overwhelmed. This is especially helpful if you have a larger apartment or living space, but it works even for a small space like a studio.
Binge-watch a new show
I don’t know about you, but I have a long list of unwatched TV shows that I have been meaning to see. If you have this as well, pick a show from your list and start watching it. With spring break, you will probably be able to get through a good chunk of it. The best part about this activity is that if you are able to finish the show, you can come back from spring break and tell your friends all about it.
Read a new book
I’ve got a list of books that I want to read. Spring break is the perfect time to do so. Even if you’re not a big reader, maybe this is an opportunity to try it. I find reading a book to be so relaxing, and it allows me to visit another world without even leaving my bedroom. It can be a great distraction to keep your mind off other things.
Do a fun activity on your own
If you get tired of staying inside throughout the break, try going somewhere in the area and have some fun. Some great solo activity ideas are going to an arcade, trying a new restaurant, walking around downtown or just going for a walk outside. There are so many solo activities that you can do, so pick some that sound the most interesting to you and go and do them.
Just enjoy your alone time
At the end of the day, just enjoy your alone time as much as possible. Take the time to reflect, relax and refresh. Use spring break as a way to practice some self-love. If you find yourself needing to talk to people, you can always call your friends or family and talk to them on the phone.
Enjoy your spring break!