What happened in Fargo in the past three weeks

Caribou Coffee opened on Jan. 14.
As a new semester brings cold months and stressful weeks to endure, let’s rewind and take a look at some of the events that happened over the break.
Caribou Coffee is open for business
Since October, the old location of the Union Coffee Shop underwent a renovation as the much anticipated Caribou Coffee was set to open once students got back after winter break. Construction finished up and Caribou Coffee opened on Jan. 14, giving students and staff the opportunity to enjoy all their favorites from Caribou’s menu with the convenience of the new Memorial Union location, meaning no more walking down the street to indulge in breakfast Bou-rrito’s. While the new addition to the Union did shut down the Union Coffee Shop for good, everyone can still look forward to Seattle’s Best Coffee, Sandy’s Donuts and other classic dining center favorites to continue to be served at the Minard Coffee Shop.
It’s not North Dakota without snow
While classes were out of session, Fargo was one of many cities throughout the north that received treacherous winter storms. The recent blizzard hit after Christmas on Dec. 28 bringing in a foot of snow, freezing rain and heavy winds causing no travel advisory’s to be issued. According to the Inforum, at the end of December, Fargo had close to twice the normal amount of snow because of the added foot of snowfall the blizzard dumped on the region. National Weather Service meteorologist, Nick Carletta, told the Inforum that as of right now, it is too early to predict what the springtime flooding in the Red River Valley is going to look like.
Fargo police dog gains fame
A local police officer, David Cochran, and his K-9 partner, Falco, advanced to the finale in ‘America’s Top Dog.’ The TV competition airs on A&E and shows American police K-9 units competing in three rounds with the winning team receiving $10,000 and an additional $5,000 is donated to an animal charity. The Inforum reported that Cochran and Falco beat team Dax in the third round on Jan. 8, though the program hasn’t released when the finale will be aired yet.
Wild turkey overpopulation
On Jan. 8, the Moorhead City Hall held a meeting that discussed the increasing turkey population and listened to what community members had to say on the issue. KVRR reported that while some residents don’t see the increased turkey population as harming the neighborhoods, there are also residents who believe the birds are causing problems and spreading filth around the city. Another concern that was brought up was how the increased turkey population could lead to an elevated predator population. A few ideas of limiting the turkey population include limiting feeding the wild birds and using lethal action to diminish the population.