“Black Mirror” is back and this time it will make you think twice about using your phone or your computer. The trailer for season three, released Oct. 7, raises many questions that might sound fictional, but they affect us now.
The trailer starts with a voiceover, “In this world, we’re all caught up in our own heads, it’s easy to lose sight of what’s real.”
Then, we see a girl jogging while paying full attention on her mobile device.
The next voiceover comes from a different person. “No one is this happy. A two-year-old with a balloon isn’t this happy.”
The next couple of scenes contain differing images, all centering around technology: a man who is willing to go under operation for a game, a military squad shooting what looks like the enemy, a young kid claiming to be recorded from his laptop’s camera without his permission.
“Black Mirror” is a popular United Kingdom series. The first two seasons were only three episodes long. But, since Netflix picked it up, the third season will have six episodes.
This season looks like it deals with a world absorbed by technology and will cover topics like popularity, privacy, cyborgs and more.
This season will follow six story lines. The last episode is rumored to be 90 minutes long, a first for the show.
Netflix also invested a lot of money to get the best directors for the show. Rashida Jones, Dan Trachtenberg and Mike Schur are just a few.
“We’re trying to dramatize very contemporary concerns — in our current climate and with the technological advancements, we’re in a place that feels very alien,” Jones said. “We’re evolving as a species and we don’t really know how yet.”
The way each episode deals with topics surrounding technology makes it for an interesting and spine-chilling show.
Netflix will be releasing season three of “Black Mirror” on October 21, right in time for Halloween.