What are YOU thinking?

Week 008: What’s your favorite thing about NDSU?

In our last installment of this column, I asked what you guys liked the least about NDSU. Then, I got sick and took two weeks off. So, in the interest of fairness and returning with a more positive spin on things, I asked what you like the most about our school. Honestly, I didn’t expect this many different answers, and you guys had a lot of good things to say!

Q: What’s your favorite thing about NDSU?

A: I just really like the layout of the campus; that’s probably my favorite thing. – TK

A: The sporting events. – TR

A: The willingness of professors to be encouraging and helpful to students. -ES

A: A lot of things: the nice community, it’s very clean, and it’s also near my apartment. – AA

A: It’s overall a safe and protected environment to work in, other than that the specific circle you are working with may not be as protective. – PZ

A: All the different study spaces. -OB

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