I have returned with another game review, though this time it is not a game that is new—not even to me. “Unpacking” is a game that I bought a few years ago now but it has remained one of my favorite games, and I realized that I have not yet shared its beauty.
“Unpacking” is an indie puzzle/home decorating game developed by Witch Beam and published by Humble Games. As the name suggests, you as the player are tasked with unpacking moving boxes across different locations. I would consider the game to be more focused on the home decoration aspect as there is a good deal of freedom given to the player on where to place objects. However, I think the game still fits the “puzzle” category in a few ways.
Firstly, there are technically “wrong” places to put certain objects; sometimes, the game will highlight an object in red (for example, if a shoe were left in the kitchen sink) and not allow for the level to be completed, though this is a setting that can be turned off if the player so wishes. The other two ways that I believe this is a puzzle game are slightly less outwardly obvious: the secrets that result in stickers (for example, setting the cookie jar on top of the cabinets) or figuring out the story of the main character.
Thus, we are brought to my favorite aspect of the game: the story. Though the different locations that the player is unpacking in are functionally separate levels, the story (suggested through the scrapbook framing and shared objects) is that the player is following a single character as she moves into different places throughout her life, such as a childhood bedroom, a college dorm, and moving in with a boyfriend.
The storytelling of this game is my favorite part because it is so unique and utterly gorgeous. It is the definition of “show don’t tell,” and it is so well executed. Though there is never a single character actually seen or any sort of dialogue, the player still learns so much about their character based on where she is moving to, the objects that she is bringing with her between moves and the new objects that appear in each new home. It is very impressive that the developers were able to tell the story of the character’s life through such subtle methods.
Speaking of subtle methods of storytelling, the art style of the game has a similar function. The general art style of the game is the cutesy, brightly colored style that can be seen in many cozy games, but it also aids in the storytelling. A lot can be revealed by looking at whether the cutesy, colorful style of the player’s character complements the styles of the people the character is living with, or if the styles are complete opposites, suggesting that perhaps the characters don’t mesh very well in the story.
Now, I have talked enough about the storytelling and will tell you, dear reader, about another wonderful aspect of this game: the music. Created by Jeff van Dyck, the music fits so well with the style of the game. It is generally very light and sweet sounding and often evokes a feeling of nostalgia or longing. There are also fun diegetic (in-universe) pieces of music that only play when the player right-clicks on a speaker or radio in the level.
Overall, “Unpacking” is a short and sweet decorating/puzzle game with a heartwarming story and cute aesthetic. It is available on PC, console and mobile.