The president proposes a ‘brilliant’ idea

President Donald Trump continues to make people hate him. Trump proposed a plan to build a steel wall on the U.S.-Mexican border to keep out illegal immigrants. He wants to make the wall steel and not concrete, upon the request of the Democrats. How nice. At least he’s compromising in a way to make people hate him a little less, right?
Since Dec. 22, 2018, the government has been shut down after Trump demanded billions of dollars in federal funding for the wall. Thousands of people aren’t getting paid because of this. While that’s completely unfair to the American people, it’s also unfair that illegal immigrants come into the country and take innocent lives. However, it does seem a bit ridiculous that Trump took this route to get what he wants. The wall would cost an immense amount of money with no guarantee it will keep everyone out. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi responded to this by saying there are alternative options for border security such as building infrastructure roads upon entry and new technology that would scan cars and trucks for illegal drugs. These alternatives would offer a more efficient way of keeping out illegal immigrants as well as saving lots of money.
For the sake of America, I think it’s important and necessary that he swallows his pride and selects another option for border security.
Trump has demanded over $5 billion in federal funds to pay for the wall. He promised Mexico would be paying for the wall, but it’s just another promise Trump is unable to keep. The longest number of days in a row the government has been shut down is 21. Trump surpassed that on Jan. 12, and the number continues to increase. I know Trump likes to be right; we all do. However, for the sake of America, I think it’s important and necessary that he swallows his pride and selects another option for border security.
While Trump’s idea of a steel wall may keep out all illegal immigrants altogether, very few immigrants come into this country to kill. He mentioned a few examples in his emergency address of illegal immigrants taking American lives, but there are always exceptions. Not all illegal immigrants have bad intentions. Despite this, I think it’s still important to control the dangerous illegal immigrants. We can’t have American blood being spilt on our surface caused by an outsider. I’m not saying border security isn’t a big issue; it’s something that needs to be stressed by people in office. However, I think Trump should consider other more effective options that don’t cost a fortune. Not having to shut down the government and cost a lot of people a lot of money would also be nice.