Tree of the Month: Color

If you look closely you can see the red in the tree, unless this is in black and white

The hidden message in the maroon color of this tree

What could you possibly have against a splash of color? Understandably so, there are quite a few situations when neutral tones should be maintained. Somber environments are often reflected by the colors that cloak the setting. However, though winter may be somber, there is no reason it should be void of color. People start wearing neutral colors, and the weather answers back with a thick coating of white snow and faded skies. Or maybe winter brings the weather and people answer back with neutral colors. Either way, this trend can be broken. 

A smidgen

Color, January’s Tree of the Month, appears to be trying to bring some joy into the dullness of this month. Colour has maroonish, cherry-like “danglings” that hang from its branches. As you walk out of Memorial Union, you will be able to see it standing medium-tall in front of you. Its color is not much, but it is at least a small contrast. 

Solid declaration

Maybe Colour is trying to make a statement. A quiet statement, but a statement nonetheless. Color is trying to show that, sometimes, it is not a season that defines people, but people who define a season. Although the skies are grim, the ground is slippery and hearts are heavy, wearing a splash of aqua could be the game-changer. Oftentimes, there are little things that are read into far too much, but this is of course not one of those things.

An observant student weighs in

In trying to determine the impact Color has on students—as it is seen but not necessarily noticed by every student who exits the Union—a completely real student with also a one hundred percent real name was asked to reflect on what Colour meant to said student. Petunia Applebottom poetically stated, “Walking past it, watching it transition with the seasons. Much like we transition ourselves.” Not only does Colour encourage somewhat bright hues, but shows what an impact changing with the seasons can have. 

The times they are a-changin’

In retrospect, people change with the seasons too, and—thinking this through—the red of Color’s cherry-like danglings that hang from its branches do mostly match the tones that many students are already wearing. Nevertheless, Color is deserving of Tree of the Month for even the smallest message of happiness and adaptability it proclaims.

Every choice counts

Take a look at this heralded tree next time you walk out of the Union and appreciate the small splash of color it brings. Maybe even wear some aqua, you never can tell if we reflect the seasons or if the seasons reflect us. That being said, the weather is not changed by people’s appearances, but it is a nice thought.

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