Pablo Vidaurre Sanz’s remaster results in beautiful reimagining

Who does not like a game with beautiful graphics, an awesome soundtrack and epic tank combat?
“Tokyo Warfare Turbo,” from developer and publisher Pablo Vidaurre Sanz, packs all of the aforementioned features into a simple, yet refined experience.
The game contains an assortment of tanks from around the world and from different eras of warfare. From World War I to modern combat, “Tokyo Warfare Turbo” puts a new spin on tank combat games.
Meant as a remastered version of 2016’s “Tokyo Warfare,” the developer has added countless new tweaks and improvements to this project that he is essentially releasing a new iteration in the series.
“It has been updated to a state-of-the-art version of the game engine, along with the upgraded code, results in a remarkable performance and graphics boost,” reads the early access page for this new game on the Steam store.
Currently, the game can support 29 artificially intelligent tanks and you, the player. Unlike in the first “Tokyo Warfare,” the maps for this new game will be more Japanese/Tokyo themed, such as the Tokyo Bay Area, Akihabara and Shinjuku. There are also other maps available in the moderately priced DLC.
There are currently three games modes to play in the game now. However, there are plans to have more modes and multiplayer in the future. These have not been implemented yet because of problems the developer is having with getting parts of the gameplay set up. The modes available are survival, deathmatch and team deathmatch.
Survival, like all the game’s modes, starts with the player choosing a tank to use against an onslaught of persistent enemy tanks. This mode can go extremely poorly or extremely well, depending on the skill level of the player or the tank they are commanding (mostly depends on the tank).
Deathmatch is a free-for-all tank combat mode that pits the player, as well as other AI tanks against one another. This mode is good to test out a tank’s ability to get around the battlefield with hardly a hole in the chassis.
Team deathmatch is like deathmatch except it consists of two teams of opposing tanks with severe hatred for each other. This mode captures the cinematic feel of a large-scale tank battle in an urban environment, where firing sporadically and inaccurately is not effective (but looks super cool).
To accompany the tank combat are four different music selections: heavy metal, anime, WWI and disco. The option to change graphics from high definition to anime style is also available if one so chooses.
“Tokyo Warfare Turbo” just came out on early access on Feb. 20. The developer has plans to keep the game in early access for at least a year, if not more. In its current state, it is very playable and has only a few odd glitches and bugs here and there. For instance, sometimes the music will be replaced with a loud buzzing noise.
“Tokyo Warfare Turbo” is a free-to-play game on the Steam store. If you like epic tank combat and satisfying explosions, then “Tokyo Warfare Turbo” is for you.