‘Fantasy Battles’ is the perfect game for the spoopy season.
“Fantasy Battles,” developed by FreezeNova, is a free game on Steam that will guarantee victory against our skeletal enemies.
Not to frighten anyone, but the Skeleton Wars have started once again.
Since I am a veteran Skeleton Warfighter and have beaten the final level of this game, I will give you an in-depth, technical description of “Fantasy Battles” for the few of you who will fight alongside me.
The forces at your disposal are spearmen, swordsmen, ax-men, archers, armored knights on horseback and sorcerers. The skeletons will have equivalents to all these units as well. You must place these in formations of your choosing. The trick is, these formations affect the outcomes of battles.
Sending in your ranged units first will almost always turn out to be a bad idea. Make sure to protect them by putting heavier units first, then have a huge wave of ranged units come from behind to inflict massive casualties on the enemy.
Like I said before, the skeletons have their own army, but even though they do not have any muscle, they still have a bone to pick with us. I don’t know why. All I know is they are more organized and honestly much scarier than us.
In their dark blue armor and with their creepy grinning faces, they strike fear into the living. The most difficult unit in their army, and the one you should attempt to take out first, is the skeleton necromancers. They launch dark orbs of energy into the ranks of your forces that rapidly deplete a unit’s health. If you have not already been scared off, good job.
There are 36 levels of “Fantasy Battles,” which any recruit must complete before joining the forces of the living, and with each level more difficult than the last, you will gain all the experience you will need. Although, personally, I did not have any trouble beating levels until level 10. That is when the graveyard started sending actual challenges to my troops and me.
“Fantasy Battles” is not too graphically stimulating and will not prepare you mentally for the horrors of war, but it is fun to look at nonetheless. While you send your troops to do their heroic deeds, the upbeat musical score keeps the battles epic. The only problem is there is only one piece and it repeats every 10 seconds. This is to strengthen the mind, mentally, in ways the graphics cannot accomplish.
“Fantasy Battles,” is a very accurate representation of the ongoing Skeleton Wars and what to expect when going into the fight. There are a few things that can be improved, such as a different musical score every few minutes and more environments to fight in, like downtown Detroit and McDonald’s.
Lastly, “Fantasy Battles” is very successful in training recruits, who upon entering the battle have a 10 percent chance of survival, more than double the survival rate of recruits in the previous Skeleton Wars.
Now, go forth and conquer the hordes of the undead and bring peace to this most troubling of months.