Rademacher and Vollmer have won the race

On April 4, 2019, the results of the student body election were in, declaring North Dakota State’s newest student body president and vice president, Mason Rademacher and Joseph Vollmer.
Immediately after hearing the results, Rademacher and Vollmer gave each other a celebratory hug and took to the mic to thank everyone who had helped them achieve their new positions.
Rademacher and Vollmer expressed a feeling of excitement for what’s already happened and how far they’ve come, as well as a “surreal” feeling of understanding that it’s time to get to work.
Both of them said they hope for a strong transition from the current administration to their own. “I don’t know what I don’t know,” Rademacher said. “I’m hoping to absorb information like a sponge,” speaking on learning from the current student body president and vice president, Chase Grindberg and Marisa Pacella.
One challenge the incoming administration is facing is a lack of student senators, with only 10 of the 33 senator positions currently filled going into next year.
“We don’t know what it is,” Rademacher said in regard to filling senate seats. “We may need to start looking at new opportunities and structural changes.”
Vollmer said he is excited to approach the challenge of logistics and behind the scenes work and to “get the ball rolling.”
As the first issues to be addressed upon coming back from the summer, Rademacher said he is looking forward to revising the finance code to ensure it’s “fair and equitable for tier two organizations.” Vollmer is ready to begin their career prep portion of their platform and “bring more business leaders to campus.”
Both Rademacher and Vollmer extend “a big thank you to all who voted.”
Rademacher said he wanted to remind students that the student government office is always open and that it belongs to all students. Student government is “happy to talk to any student, and there are no issues too small.”
Vollmer encouraged any student with any interest in joining student government to at least attend a meeting and consider applying to student senate or one of the various commissions.