The founding fathers were concerned with the welfare of this country, voting is a way to ensure the safety of our republic.
Voting isn’t just about picking your favorite candidate, it’s about your rights as a citizen
Voting is a citizen’s right to choose who they support and believe should be in power. A right of the American people, voting is a way of making a statement through a simple decision to support a certain candidate. Fairness is intended to be the main aspect of the turnout as the majority wins.
There will be people who will agree with one’s vote and others who disagree. The ancient law philosopher, John Locke, pointed out in his assertion that people are, by nature, free, and that voting is a right of self-government.
When this country was founded, Benjamin Franklin was asked if the government of the United States was a monarchy or a republic. He staunchly replied that it was a republic, “If you can keep it.”
If Americans do not use their right to vote, there is a possibility that they will lose their right to vote. Our founding fathers intended for the American people to have free will and vote based upon their moral principles. The American people have the right to vote for candidates based upon their opinion and beliefs.
If one refuses to vote it can be interpreted that such a person couldn’t care less about his or her country. When a person votes, the voter makes a statement not only about what he or she supports but also about the care for the outcome of this country. By supporting a candidate who the voter believes will do a better job at governing, the voter shows what is independently desired for the country’s governance. By voting, the voter shows his caring support for the country.
Even one small vote can make a huge difference. For example, Texas was admitted to the union by one extra vote in favor of it.
Our greatest president, Abraham Lincoln, expressed the power of voting by saying, “The ballot is stronger than the bullet.” Despite seeming small or “useless” as I’ve heard some of my friends call their votes, votes are strong when all tallied and make history, as Lincoln’s statement points out.
According to the Declaration of Independence, this country is “by the people, for the people.” The United States governance is thus far a democracy, not an empire, and democracy should not be taken for granted. The United States is so far a republic and is not a monarchy, as Benjamin Franklin hoped, and should stay that way.
In this country, the American people choose who they trust when voting and for what they believe is good for their country. The right of voting influences America through people’s choice and free will.