
As the End of the Semester Nears

Sunday night comes around and I have exhausted every trick.

Junk food, already did that. Energy drinks, downed those. Taking breaks, I took one three minutes ago, and, now, somehow, I have gravitated over to Reddit for the fourth time this hour.

I just checked my phone again, nothing new. It is in this moment I realize something. I have felt this way before.

Alas folks, we have arrived at “that” special time in the semester. The time when motivation is at an all-time low but responsibilities are at an all-time high.

Believe me, it isn’t hard to miss around campus. Students sleeping in locations no one ever thought possible before. Weekend plans being changed to all-nighters. Caffeine addictions reaching a new, worrisome, level, I personally never thought obtainable before.

We are all there collectively. BisoNation, it is the end of the semester, time to hunker down, time to focus on those grades, time to ask your closest pal, “Do you have the answer to the last question on the homework?”

My low point came this past Sunday. Only an hour and a half left until my homework was due at midnight, this is when I made a choice. Instead of hunkering down, I went to McDonald’s and got a McFlurry. I also got a medium fry. I might have also gotten a Spicy McChicken. Did I mention I had already eaten dinner? I needed some comfort food — what can I say.

When I returned home instead of finishing my homework I watched an episode of “American Dad,” and ate my junk food in solitude. I finished my homework with only five minutes to spare. “Clutch” some might call it.

Boy, that was a night.

We are all in the same boat. Your classmates, they feel your pain.

Where have you personally been? Are you the student in the QBB pulling an all-nighter? Are you the student who has taught themselves an entire exam worth of math in three days? Are you the student who is wearing sweatpants, and hasn’t taken a shower in two days? Believe me, you are walking in a lot of people’s shoes right now, my friend.

If you are stressing, if you are anxious, if you are feeling completely drained, don’t stress alone. Know this simple fact: we are all there. We all understand, we all know the feeling, and collectively, we all have these dreaded low points.

So tomorrow, forget dressing to impress; forget the shame of wearing pajamas to Gate City. Rock it. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. You are every college student, and we will persevere until the end. For we will not go quietly into the night, but rather, we will enter this last good fight, and we will live or die by the curve.

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