Study Spots on Campus

As the semester has begun and homework is starting to pile up, it is important that students have a good environment that promotes productivity. There are countless spots on campus that students favor when it comes to completing assignments–I know I have mine. 

For both on- and off-campus students, it is beneficial to get out of your room when doing homework. Don’t let school stress invade your safe space! 

Memorial Union

If you’re a fan of people-watching, the Memorial Union may be a place you want to check out. If you’ve ever stepped foot in this building, you’ll know how big it is and how many study spots you could find. 

The busier main floor is awesome for people-watching while you work and also offers different amenities to make your studying easier. You could get supplies from the bookstore, snacks from the Herd Convenience Store and a coffee for that little extra boost to get it all done. My only recommendation is to bring headphones–it can get loud!

If you’re someone who needs a quieter place to study, the second floor of the MU may be a better option. There are numerous spots, so it shouldn’t be a struggle to find somewhere to set up for the next few hours. Additionally, the art gallery and a grand piano are located on this level, so feel free to take a peek if you need a break. 

NDSU Library

The library is a perfect place for students to set up shop. The second floor is a designated “quiet zone,” so definitely check it out if you want a silent place to focus. On the other hand, the main level is somewhere you could bring a friend to work with. 

Additionally, it’s literally the library–there are countless resources that you could implement to make your work easier. Within the library, you can find thousands of books, the Business Learning Center (BLC),  NDSU’s archives, a data visualization lab, a digital fabrication lab and more.

A. Glenn Hill Center (AG Hill)

AG Hill is a very popular spot on campus when it comes to getting work done. Many of us already have classes in this building, so why not stick around to get some work done?

Prime study spots can be located on the first floor. There are numerous tables for you to lay out all of your work. Additionally, if you get there before everyone else, you may be able to snag a study room.

All of the spaces here are first-come-first-serve, so you won’t have to worry about reserving a room. There are whiteboards you can utilize both in and outside of these rooms, as well as a TV you can hook your laptop up to. If you’re in need of some quiet and personal space, AG Hill may be the way to go.

Honorable Mentions

Aldevron Tower, Minard Coffee Shop, your resident hall’s lounge or study rooms, the Babbling Brook (should weather permit), the dining centers and more!

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