Dolphins have a level of intelligence on par with humans. Why shouldn’t they be granted the right to vote?
I think it would be beneficial for students at North Dakota State to debate whether or not dolphins should be granted the right to vote. Do not laugh. I am serious.
Debating outlandish issues, such as dolphin suffrage, is an important part of a student’s education. Unfortunately it is lacking in today’s academic environment.
The reason why these debates are important is because it forces people to abandon their natural tendency toward engaging in black and white thinking. By black and white thinking, I am referring to the tendency to see one’s cause as completely good and all opposing ones as completely evil.
Liberals and conservatives are caught in black and white thinking where they respectively label each other’s side as evil and theirs as good. The problem with debating mainstream issues is that liberals and conservatives have already picked a side on every issue.
As long as someone identifies as liberal or conservative (which the majority of people do), it is difficult to debate outside the influence of black and white thinking. People have already been told what they are supposed to believe based on their political affiliation.
Luckily, there is one issue that neither side has staked a claim in: dolphin suffrage.
The dolphin suffrage movement is a real, albeit fringe, political movement. I have to admit though, they bring up some compelling reasons why dolphins deserve political representation.
Dolphin suffragists posit dolphins have a level of intelligence which is on par with human intelligence. In some respects, this is arguably true. Furthermore, they argue that since dolphins’ habitats are being affected by human activity, they deserve political representation.
To dolphin suffragists, denying dolphins political representation is a form of persecution that is on par with a human rights violation.
I have my own opinions about dolphin suffrage and I could share them with you, but that is not the point. The point is that you should form your own opinions about this issue without being told what to think based on your political affiliation.
I will give some guidance on how to form your opinion. First, take a definitive stance: should dolphins be granted the right to vote? Yes or no.
Provide concrete reasons to support your opinion. If you are undecided, provide concrete reasons why you are undecided.
Many of you will find that you are unable to do this. This will come with the disturbing realization that you are unable to think for yourself.
If you are one of these people, do not be ashamed. It is natural behavior for humans to believe what they are told to believe. Critical thinking goes against our natures.
One of the primary purposes of education should be to teach students how to abandon black and white thinking. Debating dolphin suffrage is a good way to do this.