We can’t deny it, we all have that special place on campus.
The place where we feel the most comfortable to sit on a toilet and relieve ourselves like it was mom and dad’s bathroom back home.
Sadly this is not science. Finding that special bathroom takes trial and error, so kind of science?
As a freshman, I came to NDSU with a goal, to use a bathroom in every building on campus. I can say to this date I have about 40 buildings down.
From this, I have been able to differentiate between the good, the bad and the bathrooms in Ladd and Dunbar.
North Dakota State, you have some pretty god-awful bathrooms. These are the bathrooms you avoid at all costs. If you go to these bathrooms you are guaranteed to have a bad time.
5. The bathrooms on the first floor of the Memorial Union
I love studying in the Union. I honestly do. Taking study breaks in the Union bathrooms is just sad, though. None of the bathrooms really feel homie. Compared to their counterparts on the second floor, they are severely lacking. 4/10
4. The bathroom on the second floor Morrill
Gross. This is the first bathroom I went in and there was someone else in there as well. What is gross about it though is the aesthetics. I in no way want a window behind me while I am sitting on the porcelain throne. Rather church like really, but please not in the bathroom. Also, the sink, I don’t want to bump shoulders with the person next to me. Avoid if you are planning on sitting and playing on your phone. 3/10
3. The bathroom on the second floor of the Ag-System’s Building
This is gross. This was my bathroom during Calculus recitation. Needless to say, it is cramped and gross. The colors are gross and there is no room. It also kind of smells of sadness and dead dreams. 2/10
2. The bathroom on 2nd floor of the Family Life Center
When compared to its counterpart on first floor this bathroom is one of the biggest disappointments on campus. Gross red tile that seems straight out of the 1970s. If you value yourself, you wouldn’t find yourself in this bathroom at all.

1. Any bathroom in Ladd or Dunbar
It is no secret that Ladd and Dunbar are the grossest buildings on campus. With that being said, their bathrooms couldn’t make you feel sadder. Not only is there very little lighting, but it smells old and underappreciated. It seems like the most likely bathroom on campus to be haunted as well, so watch out for Casper while you wipe. 0/10

The best bathrooms on campus
These bathrooms are amazing. If your brain is mushy, and you just need to use the bathroom to give yourself that break, treat yourself to these fantastic bathrooms. Honorable mentions include bathrooms in Loftsgard Hall and of course the Stockbridge dorm bathrooms.
5. The bathrooms on 2nd floor of the Memorial Union
This is my Spectrum bathroom. Located so closely to the office it isn’t uncommon for me to go to this bathroom multiple times in an hour to check my hair. It is warm, inviting and convenient. 7/10
4. The bathroom on 2nd floor Ehly Hall
Of all of the campus bathrooms, this one almost takes the cake. The bright lights, freshly redone walls and appliances, as well as the incredibly clean surfaces, make for a wonderful experience. Not only is this a great place to make a pit stop, but the aesthetically pleasing environment makes for a great place to take a casual, but insta-worthy mirror pic. 9/10

3. The bathrooms on 1st floor Ceres
This is one of the homiest public bathrooms I’ve ever used. If you are looking for a peaceful bathroom where you are instantly comfortable to do your business this is your place. A warm environment that will remind you of your grandma’s bathroom makes for one of the better campus bathrooms. I suggest putting this bathroom on your “bathroom vacation” must during finals week. 9.2/10

2. The bathroom on the 1st floor of the Family Life Center:
This bathroom is my secret. I just recently discovered that this bathroom was redone. Redone, and now beautiful. Amazing place to relax and take in the smells, mostly because it smells of clean, not of mildew. Nice tile, nice sinks, hell, even the toilet feels better. Is this how heaven’s public bathrooms feel? 9.5/10

1. The gender-neutral bathrooms in the A. Glenn Hill Center
The best bathroom on campus period. You wanna lock yourself in a bathroom and spend hours upon hours on your phone forgetting about that important exam coming up, look no further. This bathroom is clean, small and here’s the best part, completely private. No one being annoying, no other foreign smells. Just your own door, your own toilet, and your own stink. This is the bathroom other bathrooms look up to. Enjoy the privacy and laugh at memes on your phone, you deserve it champ. 10/10