If this stuff wants to stay away for longer I would be fine with that.
We are a week into November in Fargo North Dakota and there still isn’t any snow, and I’m not even the tiniest bit upset about it. Many people will argue that this strange Fargo weather is due to global warming. Some will say it’s luck. But I think that this phenomenon is a blessing.
Snow may be beautiful and spread the holiday cheer, but if the alternative is the ability to go on a walk and not have to dress in twenty layers with a hat and mittens, I’ll take it.
“I love that there is no snow. Winter is long enough as it is, so the fact that there isn’t any snow yet is the best.” said Kourtney a junior here at North Dakota State. When discussing her birthday month Kourtney said, “It’s the best birthday gift.”
According to reports of past snow fall in Fargo, ND there is a 20% chance that there will be snow on the ground within the next week. And 45% of the days in November will contain snowfall. In fact, just a year ago there was snow on the ground before halloween.
If it didn’t snow until the week of Christmas I would be completely content. And if it all melted within that week as well that would be perfectly fine. Nobody needs early seasonal depression and the warm weather is helping to prevent that.
I will never understand the complaints. Snow is cold, wet, and messy. Why would you ever want twelve inches of this repulsive, loathsome, form of precipitation covering the ground? It’s unsafe and causes the Fargo drivers to become even worse drivers than they already are. You had the privilege to grow up in the Midwest, it’s not like this is your first time driving in this shitty weather, right?
I understand that snow is pretty, each little crystal is unique and you may be from a place that has never seen snow before. But I can promise you this — it is nothing to get excited for. You will hate it. And then you will loathe the day it snows every year, just like most of us up here in North Dakota.