The student fee advisory board is currently awaiting proposals for upcoming student fee changes.
SFAB is responsible for “providing input and oversight for mandatory student fees at North Dakota State University,” as per the group’s bylaws, which were approved in April.
Fee proposals will be presented at 4 p.m. on Jan. 24 and Jan. 31 in Memorial Union’s Mandan Room to the student body by means of an open forum.

The board consists of 16 members, the student body president Spencer Moir, as well as a three other members of his team: Mason Wenzel, executive commissioner of finance, Lauren Alyger, executive commissioner of academic and student affairs, and Landon Holmquist, assistant executive commissioner of finance.
We also have the representation of Asif Arshid and Klarissa Walvatne, NDSU’s student senators and students-at-large (one graduate and one undergraduate) Jason Guo and Amy Nash.
A head from four departments to which student fees are distributed: Mark Matthes (represents career services fee), Barb Lonbaken (represents health and wellness fee), Larry Peterson (represents library fee) and Marc Wallman (represents technology fee).
Lastly, the board consists of four ex officios: Provost Beth Ingram, Vice President for Student Affairs Tim Alvarez, Vice President for Finance and Administration Bruce Bollinger and Budget Director Cynthia Rott.
The bylaws also provide a definition for mandatory student fees, being required fees paid by all registered students on a per credit basis.
North Dakota Century Code 15-10.3 states each year the student fees may not increase more than one percent than the latest average at that institution unless permission is granted by the North Dakota State Board of Higher Education.
“Ultimately, the sum of all of the fee increases have to stay under $2.88 per state law,” Spencer Moir, NDSU student body president, said.
SFAB is always chaired by the student body president. The president also casts a tie-breaking vote, should they have to.
Student fees may change in by the creation, removal, increase, decrease or merging student fees.
The basic process is fee increase-seeking entities will present increase proposals to SFAB, then SFAB educates the student body on these proposals. After SFAB discusses and approves the changes, the proposal will move onto the president for approval. Then the board will vote, except for the secretary and ex officio members.
There are four ways to propose and enact a student fee change, three of which require a student body vote to approve: through the creation of a petition with signatures of five percent of student body, via the proposal of a student senator or through the support of the NDSU president.
The last final and most common way to change fees is through SFAB recommendations that need to be approved or denied by NDSU’s president.
Each division of student fees may request an increase to their entity via an application in written form or by an oral presentation to the SFAB.