Spencer Moir (left) led the first SFAB meeting, which occured last week.
Student government met at its weekly Sunday meeting, providing student senators an update of what is happening on campus.
Nick Reitan, student government executive commissioner of public relations, said, “Student voting is something that we are really trying to emphasize, especially during the presidential election season, it’s really important that students are able to know when and where they are able to vote.” He added that he would like Tuesday Two responses to increase as they are a key way for how senators can easily get input from constituents.
Student Body Vice President Anuj Teotia said that Higher Education Day is coming up and all students can participate. He added that to RSVP for the event, students must contact one of the external affairs commissioners.
Teotia said that Bison Pride Fridays are back at NDSU, meaning that if someone is wearing NDSU apparel and they stop by the student government office, they can get a prize. These days are the Fridays before Bison Football home games.
Student Body President Spencer Moir said that the Student Fee Advisory Board met for the first time this school year last week. The group discussed all fee-receiving entities and became aware that actual proposals of fee increases or changes are due around the beginning of finals week.
Brit Stevens, a worker for NDSU facilities mangagement in parking and transportation services was the guest speaker at the meeting. He spoke to the senate about transportation on campus.
One discussed topic was overselling of the parking lots on campus, meaning more parking permits are sold than spots available in lots.
Stevens said this is due to the fact that students often move their cars at different times every day, which leaves spaces open where other people could then use the vacant parking spaces to park their car.
He also said the top five reasons to get a ticket a citation at NDSU are: too many old pay station tickets on a dashboard, using expired NDSU permits, parking and riding at the wellness center illegally, air fresheners blocking view of a legitimate permit and parking without a valid permit.
Student senate meets at 6:30 p.m. every Sunday in Memorial Union. The meetings are free and open to the public.