Netflix series brings to reality our worst nightmare

Some of us would go to great lengths for the ones we love — Joe Goldberg would do anything for the one he loves. Anything.
“You” had me crawling out of my skin because it made me question if maybe I was being watched by someone. With twist after twist, it was easy for me to finish the series in one weekend.
Based in New York, Joe is the manager of a bookstore called Mooney’s. From the perspective of his mind’s inner workings, we are introduced to his heartthrob, Guinevere Beck (“Beck”) and how Joe quickly becomes obsessed with her.
When he first becomes interested in Beck, he does some social media creeping and then goes a step further than what anyone would normally do and finds her address.
Outside her building, Joe develops her backstory and an idea of her that he could only confirm by getting to know her. But the idea that he has of her puts her on a pedestal that she could never live up to because it’s not the truth. It’s his fantasy in which she is the damsel in distress and he is the only knight in shining armor that could possibly save her.
There are several factors keeping the two apart, and Joe would stop at nothing to get rid of them.
At first, his infatuation seems innocent, then things begin to take a turn in which the plot thickens and the web of lies Joe creates for himself gets ever more intricate.
“You” focuses on the blurred lines of love and chivalry and crosses those lines when Joe starts to pick off the people in Beck’s life that oppose him.
His first victim is Beck’s fling, Benji.
Joe holds him captive in the basement of the bookstore and creates a story for his disappearance that is so believable that no one suspects that something may be awry.
Not even Joe thinks he’s capable of murder, but once he kills Benji, it becomes second nature.
Throughout the series, it flashes back to when Joe was a kid and first started working at Mooney’s. To teach Joe the importance and fragility of literature, Mr. Mooney punishes Joe by keeping him locked in the book vault until he learns.
As the puzzle pieces come together, it becomes clear that the abuse coming from Mr. Mooney and Joe’s haunted past with his drug-addicted mother contribute to his overly protective feelings toward Beck — because no one was ever there to protect him.
In the thrilling conclusion of the first season, Beck has been captured by Joe and as she tries to play along with his neurotic fantasy, it backfires. In her attempt to escape, she fails.
This is where we find out that “You” was never about Joe’s relationship with Beck, but rather about himself and the abnormal workings of his mind.
Of course, a psychological thriller would be nothing without a cliffhanger. It has been confirmed that “You” has been renewed for a second season and will pick up with the mystery of Joe’s estranged ex-girlfriend, Candace Stone.
Joe’s relationship with Candace was briefly touched on when it was revealed that he was cheated on, which could be a possible reason for his obsessive and skeptical personality. But the result of the end of their relationship was never clear because Candace wasn’t heard from again.
She had supposedly gone to Italy, but when Joe began to spiral and his mental state was questionable, Candace would appear to taunt Joe — but this was only his imagination.
As the season concluded with Candace reappearing at the bookstore, is she really there or has Joe gone off the deep end and imagines her there as a defense mechanism for his wrongdoings?
We will all have to wait for the release of the second season to answer our burning questions.