
Professor X Wins Big in Student Body Election

A cat has been elected with the most votes from every college in the 2016 student body election.

Professor X, the cat, has garnered 146 votes from every college, amounting to over one percent of students at North Dakota State voting for him.

The cat ran as a write-in candidate in the 2015 student body election and has since turned to philanthropic work, was written in by a majority of students in all colleges.

“It is truly flattering that so many people want Professor X to represent them in student government, even after he stepped away from politics,” Professor X’s press secretary said.

“I guess we all feel that cats represent us as people better than other people do,” Carlos Johnson, a senior economics major said.

Johnson added that he feels like the cat will be able to create more progress than his previous student senator.

“I voted for (Professor X) with the hopes that he will leave us with a budget surplus instead of a budget shortfall,” Sid Maulson, a freshman studying mechanical engineering, said, adding, “I also really hope that Professor X can unify the campus around improving campus WiFi; it is terrible.”

“The large amount of votes makes us want to rethink our voting processes for write-in candidates. We may indeed consider extending an invitation to Professor X to serve the people who elected him,” Mat(t) Warsocki, chief justice of student court, said.

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