Gold Star Marching Band’s annual “Sounds of the Gridiron” show highlights the talent and dedication put forth by the performers.
Come revel in the anticipation, thrill and frenzy of the blaring brass, striking percussion and fancy footwork of North Dakota State’s Gold Star Marching Band.
On Sunday, the GSMB will be performing its annual Sounds of the Gridiron show. The performance is free and open to the public and will take place 2 p.m. in the Fargodome.
What is normally part of the background of typical football games is being brought to the forefront of the stage. The GSMB will be the in the center of the spotlight as part of a show meant to highlight the talent of the musicians, placing them on a platform to earn the recognition they deserve.
The band is set to march and perform its 2015 Bison pregame show. In addition, the band will also be performing select pieces from its acclaimed football halftime shows, including Bruno Mars, ’80s hairband and patriotic tunes.
The band will play fan favorites and show standards along with other pieces they have learned throughout this season. Bison fans will be able to hear the favorite songs to cheer and yell, too.
As well as representing NDSU athletics, the GSMB also represents this university as a whole. The band itself comprises of 175 students in 63 different majors, most of which are not pursuing an education in music. The majors are just as diverse as the students themselves.
The GSMB is a symbol of NDSU’s pride and school spirit. Take part in the festivities of “Sounds of the Gridiron” and let the band show you what it means to be an NDSU bison.
Ticket Info:
WHAT: Sounds of the Gridiron performance
WHERE: Fargodome
WHEN: Sunday, 2 p.m.
PRICE: Free and open to the public
ADDITIONAL INFO: NDSU Performing Arts event calendar