Preparing for a new semester

How to stay on track for success this school year

Using an agenda book can help you stay organized! | Photo courtesy Katie Leier

Welcome back, Bison!

Summer is behind us, like it or not, and within the next few days, our routines will stabilize, our homework will pile up and the long, warm sunny days will fade away.

Let’s not let any of that get us down. For many college students, this will be your first time away from home and everything will seem a  bit strange and probably scary at some times.

Whether it’s your first week in college or your three hundred and third, there are some things that one should keep in mind to keep you on your best game as life settles into a new normal yet again.

Read Your Bible

I had to do it. It is so important for me to spend time reading my Bible and it’s never a bad idea.

 If you have never picked up a Bible before, or it’s been a while, I highly suggest starting with the book of John in the New Testament. If you don’t own a Bible, you can download the Gideon Bible App on your phone. They even have daily guided reading plans to help guide you along.

If you read with an open heart and open mind, you might find yourself surprised at what happens. Not only is the Bible a great resource for the anxiety, depression, and stress that comes with being a person, it also is the Word of God and teaches about Him and the love He has for His creation. 

Move Your Body

You don’t have to spend three hours a day at the gym, stressing your muscles to the max. It doesn’t have to be twenty thousand steps a day or a five-mile run every morning. 

Just move. Maybe it is going to the Wellness Center and lifting weights while blasting your favorite artist in your earbuds. It could be running five miles a couple of times a week. 

Make moving your body a priority every day you can. Move in a way that makes you happy. Exercise lowers stress levels, relieves mental health symptoms, and improves sleep quality. 

Do Something That You Love

Don’t abandon your favorite hobbies for the sake of deadlines, homework and other responsibilities. Keep on top of your assignments and don’t put everything off to the last minute. Whether it’s a well-established hobby you have loved for years, or trying something new, having a hobby that you do just because you love it will also keep the stress down and give you something to look forward to. 

Stay Organized

Whether it’s reminders set on your phone, using a calendar, keeping a running list of assignments, or whatever works, starting the semester organized is the best way to be sure you continue this habit into the rest of the school year. 

There’s very little that’s worse than forgetting to finish your homework or realizing the due date is far closer than you thought. Writing down all the assignments and due dates right off the syllabus as soon as possible is the best option to keep organized and have the bonus of looking ahead to see what will be due and when.

The first semester can feel overwhelming. Staying on top of your to-do list helps relieve stress, and taking care of your mind and body can only help you. 

Remember to ask for help and take time to enjoy the semester!

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