Life adventures of a curious kitten

I’m back after enjoying summer vacation.
Welcome back, everybody!
Welcome to a whole new school year. My hooman says I am too young to go to school, otherwise I’d be right there with you in class.
Alas, summertime–the best time–is over, but the memories I have will last forever.
The best part of the summer was my birthday! On June 3rd, I turned one year old. I loved my birthday because the hooman gave me vanilla ice cream, the best snacc ever.
Everyday the hooman brought me to the waterpark. It’s called The Bathroom Sink. If she would let me, I’d play there all day long. We also watched the Twins play baseball. My favorite player is and always will be Joe Meow-er, even though he is retired now.
Summer wasn’t just all fun and games for me though, I started reading ‘Harry Pawter,’ and I’m so close to the end! I was also subjected to a rigorous nap schedule that was so exhausting, I had to nap even more.
When I didn’t feel like cooking for the hooman by kneading bread out of blankets, she would order take-out from Drunken Noodle. Little did I know, their take-out came with a toy–a Dinglehopper! (That’s a fork for you hoomans).
When I wasn’t busy at The Bathroom Sink or working hard in the kitchen, I was traveling to see my best friend Izzy. Izzy is the most special kitty (besides me). She lives in a whole other world though, so I don’t see her very often. But when we get together, it’s the best.
With a new school year comes lots of questions, so remember I am always here for you to offer guidance and humor. If you have any questions, ask them here: