Politics in Washington D.C. and North Dakota

Added hours for service haulers
North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum has signed an executive order allowing for propane truck drivers to work more than their usual 60 hours a week. According to the office portal for north Dakota’s state government, this emergency declaration comes after the recent floods that have caused farmers in the region lots of hardship. Because of the propane shortage, the farmers haven’t been able to run their field-drying machinery. Minnesota and Iowa are among the other Midwestern states that are facing the same issue. Burgum’s order will only be in effect for 30 days, but people believe that date will be extended again due to the extremity of this issue. This is one of the worst growing seasons farmers have seen in years. Fuel truck drivers from across the states are hoping that this order will take a little bit of pressure off the farmers already hectic harvest season.
Tensions rise at Hector International Airport
There is a feud brewing between the city of Fargo and the Fargo Municipal Airport Authority as reported by the Inforum. On Nov. 4, both sides agreed to a 45 day mediated negotiation period. During this time they will continue to discuss the management structure of Hector International Airport. Commissioner John Strand offered up the idea during their last meeting on Monday and after a 4-1 vote the motion was granted. After the 45 days are up, if the two sides have yet to come to an agreement, there will be an orderly dissolution between the two. The negotiations are centered mostly around if the airport workers are considered city workers or not. There are a couple of other items on their list to discuss, one of which is whether or not services by the city should be an update of a 50-year-old referandum. They’re hoping by the end of the 45 day negotiation period everything can be smoothed out.
Residents over duplex developer
According to the Inforum, city commissioners are siding with south Fargo residents over a duplex developer that was attempting to move on land that was promised to be used for single-family homes. On Nov. 4, City Commisioners and residents took to the voting polls. The residents were mainly worried that the value of their properties surrounding the areas would decrease so they started a petition when they were first notified of the idea. They were told a couple of years ago that the land would only be used for single family homes to avoid congesting the area and bringing their property value down. Some residents were concerned for the safety of their children adding that much more traffic would be brought to the area. The City Commissioners ultimately agreed with the residents and have decided not to rezone the area and only open it up to developers looking to build single-family homes.
Whistleblower’s identity
Kentucky Senator, Rand Paul, demanded that the whistleblower, whose complaint is at the center of the presidential impeachment inquire, be released. During a campaign event on Nov. 4 , Paul said, “Do your job, and print his name.” House Democrats have been holding on tight to this complaint and are showing no signs of backing down. However, the President and the Republican party have been doing everything in their power to have the whistle blower’s identity revealed. According to the Washington Post, Paul’s demands have brought a lot of negative criticism on himself. Many people saying he’s put the anonymous whistleblower in a dangerous position.
A second chance at life
Fox News reported that more than 400 inmates from an Oklahoma State Penitentiary have been released in the United States largest commutation. On Nov. 1, the state pardon and parole board approved the release of 527 inmates. All of the inmates were incarcerated for low-level drug and property crimes. Their convictions were all lowered to misdemeanors. Earlier this year, Governor Kevin Stitt signed a House Bill allowing for the sentence reductions. Governor Stitt met many of the inmates as they were being released and reminded all of them that, “This is the first day of the rest of your lives… let’s make it so you do not come back here again.” It was a heartwarming experience for everyone reuniting with their families and getting a second chance at life. This new referendum will save the states taxpayers over $12 million dollars and bring families back together.