The city of Minneapolis will include ‘defunding police’ on November ballot

The best way to address police changes is by working together.
The city of Minneapolis is struggling with their safety. While doing some research on the upcoming Minneapolis November ballot and Minneapolis safety, I found out that there will be a question regarding whether the city of Minneapolis should defund their police department.
The idea of defunding the Minneapolis police department came about last summer, after the horrific death of George Floyd.
There is a campaign, ‘Yes 4 Minneapolis,’ currently going on in Minneapolis. Their campaign site, ‘Yes 4 Minneapolis,’ labels them as a “unifying campaign bringing together voters, faith leaders, labor unions, businesses and more because we have an opportunity to create a system that works for all of us.”
We are all one nation; we should be together.
If the city of Minneapolis, the Minneapolis police department and the ‘Yes 4 Minneapolis’ would work together, we would really have something. The Minneapolis police department would get their funding, while working with different campaigns, such as ‘Yes 4 Minneapolis,’ to build and create a better charter plan.
The campaign goal is to amend the city charter that was written in 1961. ‘Yes 4 Minneapolis’ wants to update and change the 1961 charter as the following: “Department of Public Safety will change the current policy-only model of public safety, allowing the city of Minneapolis a funded, accountable and comprehensive public health approach.”
‘Yes 4 Minneapolis’ wants to add a variety of strategies including: right-sized responses, experts, professional personnel and licensed peace officers (police officers) when necessary. “No matter what we look like or which neighborhood we live in, we will have equal opportunity to live safely and securely,” says ‘Yes 4 Minneapolis.’
Minneapolis Mayor, Jacob Frey is opposed to the ‘Yes 4 Minneapolis’ proposal saying, “It would leave voters and the department ‘uncertain,’ about who is directing and responsible for police activity.”
I would have to agree with Mayor Frey’s comment. Voters will be confused when it comes to directing and helping in emergency situations. Voters might call 911 for an emergency and would be left wondering who is going to show up at their door; a peace officer, a mental health counselor, an addiction counselor or someone from homeless outreach or violence prevention.
Mayor Frey discussed a plan that would restore the Minneapolis Police Department’s budget to 192 million dollars to increase recruiting classes to boost staffing by 150 officers, according to USA Today. This would be very beneficial to the Minneapolis Police Department.
Police Chief Meduria Arradondo and Mayor Frey have made policy changes to the Minneapolis Police Department including training on de-escalation, overhauling use of force restrictions and strengthening the disciplinary process, says USA Today.
I would have to agree that changes need to be done to the Minneapolis police force. These changes will take time and I think the public needs to know they’re being made. While the city of Minneapolis is brainstorming on how to become safer, we need to work together.
No matter who we are, where we grew up, what our race or beliefs are, we still need to work together for the common good of America. Yes, safety issues and crime need to be addressed, the city and police department are working on it. In the meantime, let’s come together and support each other.
Let’s listen to opinions that are different from our own. The best will come when we work together, acknowledge that safety is an issue in Minneapolis and make change.
When someone is hurt, there is an armed suspect or someone is in a crisis, the police need to step in and help. And if we don’t have the police step in and help, people will start thinking that they do not need to follow any authority, any rules or listen to any of the peace officers or expert personnel.
According to KTSP news, discussed at the Minneapolis Health and Public Safety Committee meeting, homicides are more than double in 2021, compared to 2020. The Minneapolis Police Department has seized 100 fewer guns this year, around 300 in all.
Therefore, we need a police force. Without police, I bet these homicides could be higher. The police force is who will enforce the rules, we need them in our communities.
I know defunding the Minneapolis Police is a very political topic. No matter where we stand on things, we need to come together. We need to listen to other’s opinions and ideas.
The new and improved charter plan could include the ‘Yes 4 Minneapolis’ strategies. The Minneapolis Police Force could take some of the ‘Yes 4 Minneapolis’ strategies by including experts and personnel to their team. Experts and personnel on the Minneapolis Police Force could include specialized responders to address mental health, addiction, homeless outreach and violence prevention.
The Minneapolis Police Department could adopt the following ‘Yes 4 Minneapolis’ goal: “No matter what we look like or which neighborhood we live in, we will have equal opportunity to live safely and securely.”
Don’t you notice, when we all work together, we are better? I understand that our police force and the chaotic nature of all that has been happening in Minneapolis is ridiculous. However, the charter system should be fixed.
The Department of Public Health, the ‘Yes 4 Minneapolis,’ the Minneapolis Police Department and the city of Minneapolis need to fix this issue. Make some changes, come up with some ideas and propose the new charter to the communities of Minneapolis. And then take the option to defund the police off the ballet.
Working together is when stuff will get done. My thoughts and prayers go out to anyone who has been affected by the charter of 1961. I hope your city can come together and work it out.
More peace for the city of Minneapolis. Less discrimination. No defunding the police. Just working together to make Minneapolis a welcoming and safe place to live and visit.