Mayor Mahoney issues mask mandate due to the spike inCOVID-19 cases in North Dakota.
Fargo mask mandate is in place as of Oct. 19, 2020
Fargo Mayor Dr. Tim Mahoney issued a mayoral mask mandate for the city of Fargo on Oct. 19, 2020. The citywide mask mandate is in effect immediately and will remain until the underlying state of emergency ends or if the mandate is modified or terminated by the mayor or by a resolution approved by the Fargo board of city commissioners.
On March 16, 2020 Mahoney declared a state of emergency and authorized the use of emergency powers by the mayor. This order was extended by the Fargo City Commission on July 27, 2020, along with a motion that directed the public to wear masks when appropriate and encouraged businesses to adopt policies prohibiting entry for persons who do not wear masks.
“The City of Fargo appreciates the sacrifice that individuals, businesses (including employees and other workers) are making in order to stem the tide of COVID-19 cases,” Mahoney said. “However, the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths resulting continue to rise in the world, the nation and the state, including the City of Fargo.”
“Each one of us—each resident, each adult, each child, each family, each business and each store—must do more,” Mahoney said.
The mandate states that every person within the city of Fargo shall wear a face covering over their mouth and nose in all indoor environments where they are exposed to non-household members and where social distancing of six feet is not possible. The mandate also applies to all outdoor settings with exposure to non-household members, unless there is enough space to socially distance the allotted six feet.
There are some exemptions for whom the mandate does not apply. Children younger than school age or persons with a medical condition or disability that prevents them from wearing a face covering may be exempt from the mask mandate. The mandate does not apply to those who are actively consuming food or drink or those engaged in religious worship activities. However, face coverings are strongly encouraged in public areas.
Article III of the mandate states that there is no penalty for non-compliance. However, businesses still retain the ability to refuse service to persons not wearing a mask, and the Fargo Police Department will assist in disputes of trespassing that come along with this refusal of service.
According the the North Dakota Department of Health, as of Monday, Oct. 26 there are 1,158 active positives in Cass County, with a positivity rate of 13.74%. Statewide, there are 6,446 active positives with a positivity rate of 13.44%. There have been a cumulative 461 deaths attributed to COVID-19 in the state of North Dakota, with 123 deaths in September and 190 deaths in October.