Dear Baby,
Before you came along, I was lost in a world of darkness. Heartbreak after heartbreak, I had lost the light in my soul, then you appeared and became my light. I had never experienced that unconditional love you show me daily.
I remember when we first met; the connection we felt toward each other was instantaneous. I was not looking for a love as deep as ours, but it is when you stop looking that “the one” appears in front of you.
From the moment I said “Hello” and your saddened look turned into a smile, I knew you were the one. Love is a choice; it should not be taken for granted and should never be overlooked.
Without you, I would have no one to walk through the cold with. There would be no one to give me their warmth in the blizzards that consume the winter months. When a storm comes rolling in with the loud sounds of thunder and the flashes of lightening, we protect each other from any trembles.
My love, your cuddles are the things that get me to relax and feel safe enough to fall asleep. I know you will protect me through anything and everything.
No one can hold a candle to your love and affection. When I walk into a room, you are the first one I notice and the only one I notice. It is as if a light shines upon you and the tunnel vision focuses in on your essence.
From the moment I open my eyes in the morning with your eyes staring back at me to the moment I lay my head to rest as you cuddle next to me, you are always in my mind.
Neither of us are perfect, but you are the closest anyone can get to perfection. Your smile, your eyes, your happiness and openness to others make me admire you more every day. You are a treasure that is priceless.
Our love is never-ending. It will never die. The memory of our time together will live inside of us until our last days. We can look back on the beginning and cherish every moment of movie nights, random walks and midnight talks about nothing.
When I come home from a hard day and you are sitting there waiting for me to walk through the door, my day instantly improves. You have an effect on me, an ability that gives me instant relief and a sense of joy.
You are my happiness.
You are my everything.
My one true love.
My forever best friend.
I cannot wait to have you jump on me when I come home tonight. That pain I feel when your nails scratch my legs every time.
I love the slobbery kisses I experience every day when I walk through the door.
The excitement as you run around in circles until you finally calm down enough for me to give you a hug.
You are truly the best dog any one could ask for.