Of Mice and McDonalds
On Thursday, Nov. 7 Landen Brocato, a freshman marketing major, ordered a caramel frappe from a local McDonald’s. After sipping some of it and leaving it for a while, Brocato came back to find a dead mouse in his drink. Brocato told The Inforum he returned to McDonald’s, got a refund from the manager and was asked to make a statement on the issue. He posted photos of his drink to Facebook and even got in contact with McDonald’s corporate office and Fargo Cass Public Health office. McDonald’s released a statement saying they are taking it seriously and are working with local health offices to figure out how it happened.
Leak Baby Leak
Keystone Pipeline, a pipeline that runs Canadian crude oil through North Dakota is set to restart just two weeks after a major leak. According to MPR, it’s estimated the pipeline leaked 383,000 gallons of oil in North Dakota. TC Energy, owner of the Keystone Pipeline, had employees working around the clock to clean up the spill. They recovered approximately 286,600 gallons of the oil that spilled. The affected portion was dug up and replaced over the weekend. The pipeline was approved to restart following repairs by the U.S. Pipeline and Hazardous Material Safety Administration. The pipeline has always been a source of controversy, receiving a variety of protests and opposition even before its completion.
American Dreaming
President Donald Trump’s decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, also known as DACA, reaches the U.S. Supreme Court. According to U.S News, the court will decide the legality of ending the program which was established by the Obama administration to protect against deportation for illegal immigrants brought here as children. Ending the program has been a longing desire for the Trump administration who, along with critics of the program, see it as a detriment to legal American Citizens. The contentiousness of this issue is so grand there is debate as to whether the Supreme Court even has a say in the matter. Whatever they decide do decide when the election of 2020 comes around, it will decide the fate of some 660,000 immigrants living in the U.S.
14 San Diego State Fraternities Suspended
Recently, a student at San Diego State University was killed after attending a fraternity event. According to CNN 19-year-old, Dylan Hernandez, was hospitalized the morning after, his roommate finding him “pulseless and apneic” said the San Diego County Medical Examiner’s Office. As a result, President Adele de la Torre of SDSU suspended 14 fraternities on suspicion of possible involvement. As of right now, authorities do not know what happened at the event that injured Hernandez. An extensive investigation is underway. Some of the fraternities were already suspended and under investigation prior to Hernandez’s death.
Just Another Midwest Winter
An Arctic blast has made its way between the Rocky Mountains and New England this week, once again bringing its record-breaking temperatures and snowfall. According to the New York Times, it has caused school closings and the cancelation of 150 flights due to air mass. The National Weather Service and Prediction Center say the snow will begin to taper off Tuesday morning. Some states will reach negative temperatures. Even Fargo has been kissed by the winter weather, with snow covering the ground. Stay warm, it’s getting cold out there.