This year’s Halloween weekend at North Dakota State will kick off with a Headphone Disco at the Great Plains Ballroom. Feel free to wear costumes and invite your friends to dance the night away.
The Headphone Disco is a silent event that takes place completely within headphones all guests wear. Headphone Disco is a company that came into operation in 2007 and promotes quiet parties for all events. The company has operated at Firefly Festival, Creamfields and Rock the Boat. They’re also available for birthdays, weddings, bar mitzvahs or any event a customer invites them to. For the last nine years, Headphone Disco has been touring the country, throwing silent parties at universities across the United States.
The company itself provides the headphones all guests are invited to use. Three different stations provide music guests can choose from, allowing a personalized partying experience. The DJs play up to three different styles of music, allowing partiers the novelty of choosing their own musical tastes out of the mix.
The dance party allows a completely unique experience inviting participants to dance to their own style of music, providing a pleasurable experience to all dancers.
This particular style of dance party allows partiers to continue to dance after noise curfews come into existence, music pounds through the headphones while leaving the entire event silent.
A previous client of the company from U.S. Redbull stated, “The turnout was great, everything ran smoothly and the guests just had the best time.”
Headphone Disco was voted Best Novelty Act in 2013 by college campuses all over the U.S.
The Headphone Disco on NDSU campus will take place in from 9:30 p.m. to 1:00 a.m., Oct. 29. in the Great Plains Ballroom at the Memorial Union. Costumes aren’t mandatory but they are encouraged as this is the opening to Halloween weekend on campus.
Everyone is invited and the event is free to students.
WHERE: Great Plains Ballroom
WHEN: 9:30 p.m. – 1:00 a.m on Oct. 29
MORE INFO: Online or at ndsu.edu/campusattractions/