The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin
“The Happiness Project” this month is based on parenting. Although most of you, myself included, may not be parents, the goals for this month are still attainable and relevant to a change in happiness.
They are simple changes that will help to liven up your living conditions as well as boost your spirits. After all, April is all about spring, new beginnings and lightening up.
Morning Songs
A simple task. Hop out of bed ready for your morning shower and sing some happy tunes to start out the day right. Maybe hum an upbeat song while you are making breakfast. Sing along to a song that makes you smile while you wait for the bus or drive to work. It may sound weird or uncomfortable at first, but the more joy you are radiating, the happier yourself and the people around you will be.
The Reality of People’s Feelings
This chapter was based a lot on parenting, but since I am not one, I took the advice and tweaked it just enough to make it more relatable.
Acknowledging people’s feelings is something we have always been taught to do. But acknowledging the reality of people’s feelings is different. The point of this is to be able to help those we surround ourselves with before they even really know we are helping.
Knowing how they are going to feel about a situation and making it better before it happens will not only make you feel better, but it will also brighten their mood. Make sure that you are heard and that they know you care and understand; this will help when it comes to trust and building on the relationships you already have.
Treasure Houses of Happy Memories
Memories are tricky things. If one is not reminded of a moment, the memory fades. In order to be reminded of all the joy and happiness already in your life try taking pictures or sharing the news with those who care about you.
We are at the age where we have discovered looking through old photo albums makes us sentimental and quite happy, so why not continue adding happy memories? Or, if keeping up with photo albums is too time consuming, why not use Facebook as a helpful resource?
You are able to share your happiness and look back at all of the wonderful times as well.
Take Time For Projects
Take those couple extra hours and make one of the projects you have set aside. Use a weekend to go on a fun adventure that you have been planning. Go to the library and finish the project you have been putting off.
This goal has the potential to bring you stress instead of happiness initially, but think about the sudden surge of happiness you will have after having completed that task you had originally set aside.
These aren’t difficult goals; in fact, some of these are probably already in your life. But simply remembering what we can do to lighten up our lives is all the push we need to start making a difference.