A comprehensive guide to the week in gaming

WoW classic is filled with new players all wanting to reach level 60.
The first week of class has come and gone. With it came a whole bunch of news from the gaming industry.
Of course, not all of it is interesting, which is why I have created the following compilation of noteworthy news from the gaming world.
‘WoW Classic’
The long-awaited return to the initial days of Blizzard’s successful MMO, “World of Warcraft” (WoW), has launched in the form of “World of Warcraft Classic”.
“Classic” brings players back to the first days of “WoW” in 2004. Players can once again (or for the first time) experience what some consider the best days of “WoW.”
Needless to say, people were excited.
Players who tried logging in on the first day were met with player queues of up to 10,000 players.
People would have to sit for hours just waiting for their chance to enter a world filled to the brim with new players.
The initial questing zones that all players start in were filled and players were forming in-game lines to kill certain rare creatures or turn in quests since there is a finite number of creatures and it takes time for them to respawn.
The “World of Warcraft” twitch category jumped to over one million watchers. Everyone wanted to see what “WoW Classic” is all about.
Nostalgia is high and will remain so in coming weeks. So, if you wanted to jump in and give it a shot, you may want to wait a couple weeks for the crowds to die down in the initial starting zones.
Marvel’s Avengers
The new highly anticipated superhero game by Square Enix received some new news. People were able to check out gameplay from the first mission as well as learn about the story.
The story of the game takes place five years after the events of the first mission where a tragedy strikes, forcing superheroes to be outlawed.
The main enemy is the comic book bad guys known as AIM.
Players can take on the role of any of the main Avengers. This includes Thor, Captain America, Iron Man, Black Widow and Hulk with more being added in later updates.
Each hero will have its own skill tree and level system as well as unique fighting mechanics. Making each one feel different and realistic. Well, as real as a comic book character can be.
Gamers will have to wait until May 15 to check this one out, but it has already been added to many wish lists.
Telltale returns
The famous storytellers known as Telltale Games are making a comeback after going bankrupt a year ago.
They will be returning as a new company since LCG Entertainment bought all of their assets including rights to all its licensed products.
Nothing else is known other than that they may seek to buy licenses back and pick up where they left off. Other than that, there is nothing else known about this new Telltale.
Not much else happened in the gaming industry this week. Since Gamescom was last week the game companies have gone quiet once again.
However, every week is different and some more interesting than the last so stay tuned to The Spectrum for next week’s rundown.