A collection of songs to celebrate the end of finals

Nothing beats the feeling you get after finishing the last final of the semester.
Finals are upon us and the stress in steadily mounting. The feeling of relief after taking your last exam of the semester is amazing. Below are some suggested tunes to help celebrate conquering another semester.
‘I’m Still Standing’– Elton John
Whether you got into Elton John after watching “Rocketman” this year or you are a lifelong fan, “I’m Still Standing” is a great post-finals tune. You may have spent the past week living on Redbull, Doritos and four hours of sleep by hey, you’re “still standing.”
‘Forget You’– CeeLo Green
The song may obviously be about a best friend who stole Green’s girlfriend, but “Forget You” (or the original version) can also be an ode to all the information you learned in class. Took the test? Goodbye everything you learned, need to make room for that one random song you haven’t listened to in 10 years or that random fact about the origin of frisbees.
‘My Give A Damn’s Busted’– Jo Dee Messina
A personal favorite of mine, it is definitely a mood for finals. After a certain point, you just don’t care anymore. Just give me the test, I’ll take it and wash my hands of the whole thing. Perfect for the stage of finals when you just want it over.
The best part is the chorus when Messina “checks” to see if she feels anything. “I really wanna care. I wanna feel somethin’. Let me dig a little deeper. Naw, sorry, nothin’.”
‘Take the Power Back’– Rage Against the Machine
Perfect for when you are contemplating the education system and need an outlet for your pent up angst. It helps that the song addresses school curriculums, and brings up valid points we are still working through today.
‘Gonna Fly Now’– Bill Conti
At first glance, this song might not sound familiar, but upon listening it is immediately recognizable. “Gonna Fly Now” is the theme from all of the “Rocky” movies. The ultimate victory song. We may not be in Philadelphia, but you could run to the Fargodome from campus or maybe just to your car.