Fight the frost with Frostival

Come out and celebrate the seemingly endless heaps of snow and ice at this year’s Frostival.

F-M’s beloved winter festival is back for the 5th year in a row

This year, Fargo, Moorhead and West Fargo residents will be “embracing the cool of winter” til up to Feb. 22. For those who do not know what it is, the Frostival’s website describes itself to be a winter festival that works to embrace the cold of North Dakota.

In the past, Frostival has usually only run for about two days, but due to the spirit of the people and the never-ending winter, they have decided to run it this year for six weeks! The event is sponsored by three local organizations; The Chamber, Historical & Cultural Society of Clay County and the Moorhead Business Association. 

To kick off the week of Feb. 8-14, Frostival is hosting a kickball tournament at MB Johnson Park. The tournament runs from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and all participants will receive a free t-shirt. Feb. 8 will also offer an adult disco concert, a winter gear swap, beard competition and the wild ‘Undie Run.’

The ‘Undie Run’ registration fee is $15 before the event and $20 at it. If you’re able to brave the cold, you’ll get a pom-pom hat and Frostival undies to remember it by. Lastly, to finish off the week there will be a S’mores evening on Feb. 10 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. This will be held at Centennial Park. 

If the events sound like fun but you want to do even more to help out your community, you can host an event, be a sponsor, vendor or volunteer. Frostival’s website has an application and inquiry page for anyone who wants to help. 

Frostival came to be what it is now because its creators, like many of us, we’re tired of the winter. They wanted to inspire the community around them to embrace it, to find enjoyment in it. Their solution to the problem is ‘Frostival’ and to host different games and events in the midst of it all. So, come out to ‘Frostival,’ brave the winter and remind yourself why you love it.

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