The Byrds, CSNY co-founder brings Sky Trails Band to the Fargo Theatre the same week as showing of his documentary

‘David Crosby: Remember My Name’ will be shown at the Fargo Theatre until September 5.
Despite the fact that David Crosby is touring while the documentary about his career “David Crosby: Remember My Name” is playing in theaters, it wasn’t until Fargo that their paths intersected.
The Fargo Theatre began showing the documentary on August 23, just two days before the subject himself graced the stage of Theatre 1 on August 25.
Executive Director for the Fargo Theatre Emily Beck confessed this was by design. After Jade Presents booked the concert earlier this year, Beck began working almost immediately on trying to make the dates line up.
“Fortunately, the film’s release pattern worked perfectly and we were able to offer the two at the exact same time,” Beck explained.
David Crosby and the Sky Trails Band
A well worn Turkish rug adorned the stage floor, keys, drums, guitars and various amps forming a semicircle at its borders. Alone in the center stood Crosby himself, looking more like a cross between a retired farmer and Santa Claus than a folk-rock legend.
His long white hair and now synonymous mustache coupled with a red crocheted hat his wife had made did nothing to refute the previous observation.
It is a much different scene than Crosby fans are used to, as he rose to fame in groups (The Byrds, CSN, CSNY) with three or four others by his side. The Crosby before fans now feels uncharacteristically exposed, all the more earnest and vulnerable.
After opening the night with a song he penned for CSN “In My Dreams”, Crosby thanked everyone.
“Wow, really, thank you all for coming”, Crosby began before a member of the audience yelled back, “No, thank YOU for coming.”
Crosby laughed before adding, “Well it would have been really weird if I hadn’t.”
This wasn’t the only time Crosby put out the “favorite weird uncle” persona. He made jokes, went on tangents and had a story for everything.
He told the audience about the time Pink Floyd’s David Gilmour “stole” his drummer, when he wrote “Delta” while strung out at Warren Zevon’s house and made an unfounded claim of a connection between hair length and impotence, just to name a few.
His Sky Trails band is comprised of much younger musicians than himself, all with jazz bands of their own. Steven Di Stanislao plays the drums, Michelle Willis plays the keys, Mai Leisz on bass, son James Raymond contributes additional keys as well as produces his father’s work and guitarist Jeff Pevar rounds out the group.
Crosby played songs spanning his entire career in music, his more iconic works such as “Guinevere,” “Wooden Ships” and “Long Time Gone” receiving standing ovations.
Crosby had the audience singing along to “Ohio” for his encore performance before he took his leave.
With his band curved around the back of him and an adoring audience cheering him on from the front, it appears David Crosby ended his time in Fargo literally surrounded by friends.
‘David Crosby: Remember My Name’
Cameron Crowe and A.J. Eaton collaborate on this documentary about the other side of fame as experienced by David Crosby.
Using old interviews and footage created especially for the documentary, Crosby reminisces on some of his high highs, but mostly low lows.
The documentary shows a gentle old man, all too aware of his wrong-doings yet feeling helpless to change them.
Throughout the film David Crosby comes to embody the lofty dreams and bleak realities of his time.
Viewers will leave the theatre bemoaning Crosby’s sad state all the while admitting he largely got what he had coming.
“Remember My Name” will remain at The Fargo Theatre until September 5, although Beck explained the movie may be held longer if it continues to draw a large enough crowd.
“Documentaries about specific artists can have niche appeal (ie: only drawing in their fanbase). With that in mind, we’re very pleased with attendance so far,” Beck added.
The current showtimes for “David Crosby: Remember My Name” are 4:45 p.m. and 7:15 p.m., but may be subject to change. So, double-check this on the Fargo Theatre’s website before heading out.