Are you looking for some vintage clothing and accessories or in need of Halloween costume ideas? Well, look no further because FM Antiques and Repurposed Market located in South Fargo will be hosting their first ever Vintage Fashion Show featuring vintage clothing, jewelry, accessories and much more. Not to mention, it is also free for all to enjoy.
The event will take place from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., with the fashion show starting at 1 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 28 at the Moorhead Center Mall. FM Antiques and Repurposed Market (F.A.R.M) Revolver and one other store yet to be announced will be at the event.
Dee Dee Sonstelie, the co-owner of FM Antiques and Repurposed Market with Rochelle Henrichs, is quite excited for this opportunity to showcase vintage clothing and accessories available for purchase from a wide range of vendors. “Being this is our first show like this we aren’t sure what to expect, but (we’re) hoping all will have a fun time looking and seeing all of the fun items from years past,” Sonstelie said.
The two locations of FM Antiques and Repurposed Market have had other sales and promotions in store with this upcoming show, and they plan on making it a memorable one for anyone attending.
“This is a different kind of show, but (we’re) hoping to draw a larger crowd and just have some fun with it!” Sonstelie said. “There’s lots of things to fashion … you think clothing, shoes etc … but it also can pull in vintage advertisement … icons such as Marilyn Monroe etc. … We told the vendors the sky’s the limit on fashion … We are hoping to have lots of fun displays for our event.”

FM Antiques and Repurposed Market Vintage Fashion Show official flyer.
“The Show will show eras from the ’40s, ’50s, ’60s, ’70s and ’80s … maybe even a couple of ’90s; crazy as it is the ’90s are already about twenty years old or more,” Sonstelie said.”Lots of fun clothing from many eras will be present, along with vintage jewelry, purses, vintage catalogs … anything that might say fashion. It will be a fun trip down memory lane for all. Our store will also have sales on many other items inside. We will have some clothing that will be shown in the fashion show from Revolver downtown and hopefully another store as well.”
Halloween is close by, and this is a great opportunity for some ideas, or if you like to hunt for vintage pieces at thrift stores like myself, consider this opportunity to go and see for yourself a wide selection of vintage merchandise from many different vendors based here in the Fargo-Moorhead area.
“With Halloween right around the corner you just might find that piece you needed for your costume, or you may even just get inspired to find a costume at the show,” Sonstelie said.
Vendors will have booths set up in the hallway with purchasable merchandise, and the items shown in the fashion show will also be available for purchase.
“Most vendors in the hallways etc. will collect money at their tables,” Sonstelie explained. “If someone wants to use a card, we will get them a slip and have it brought into the register at the store … Everything is at close range and we will make sure to do our best to get your sales done in a pleasant way. Prices on items will vary … each vendor will have their own set of pricing … but usually you can find anything from $1 on up … Usually the vendors have pretty fair pricing … some may even bargain with you.”
So, if you plan on doing some shopping around town or the Moorhead Center Mall next week, be sure to check out the FM Antiques and Repurposed Market Vintage Fashion Show and enjoy a fun and memorable atmosphere featuring fashions of eras past. “Memories of good times keep us all happy and young — it gets your mind on good things and brings you back to a peaceful state,” Sonstelie explained.