Christmas Movies: The Basics

These basic movies also happen to be my favorites.

I’m not sure if any of you can relate, but as soon as they start playing Christmas movies, the TV at my house never shuts off. We watch the same movies too many times, but the crazy thing is that I don’t think I ever really get sick of them. Since I was little, I have been watching these movies for an entire month out of the year, and they continue to make it into my normal lineup of movies even outside of the Christmas season. Without further ado, here are the Christmas movies that I sincerely believe belong in every home in order for there to be any joy or Christmas spirit present.

National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (1989)

I can’t even begin to tell you how much I love this movie. The one and only Christmas sweater I own is based on this movie, and it is probably one of my favorite purchases. This movie covers the chaotic happenings of a family Christmas gone wrong with humorous dialogue and the perfect balance of funny family dynamics and Christmas spirit. Clark Griswold, the father and main character, wants this Christmas to be everything he’s ever dreamed of and while it seems like a nightmare for a while, it ends up being an amazing holiday with lots of laughs.

Dr.Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000)

I don’t care if this makes me sound immature and unqualified to be making this list, but this movie is probably my favorite Christmas movie of all time. The amount of lines I have memorized might be seen as embarrassing by some more distinguished individuals, but it is a point of pride for me. Put me in a room with Jim Carrey, and you’re going to have a hard time telling our Grinch impressions apart. This movie is set in Whoville where Christmas is the most important and joyful time of the year for all but the Grinch who goes to extra measure to assure that no one else enjoys it either. Cindy-Lou Who, a small girl full of curiosity, sets out to learn more about the Grinch and maybe change his mind about this wonderful holiday. The big selling point on this one is that Jim Carrey delivers a Grammy-worthy performance as what becomes a creature of some children’s nightmares.

Home Alone (1990)


If you haven’t heard this line at some point, you are missing out. This is yet another movie covering the chaos of Christmas but this one is centered around a family forgetting their son and him going to great lengths to defend his house from a couple of burglars. His journey of not only living alone but fighting off two grown men is extremely entertaining and became one of my childhood dreams because how cool would it be to tell people that I not only ran the house but also defeated some robbers? The sequel to this is also pretty good but doesn’t quite match the original.

The Santa Clause (1994)

All of these movies are nostalgic, but this one takes the cake. As a kid, I always loved watching this movie because it gave me evidence behind Santa Claus’s existence which I would then take to the people who called me naive and explain in thorough detail in hopes of convincing them that he was indeed real(which he is). Following a father-son duo, you’ll get a full tour of Santa’s workshop and be a part of the drama that is finding Santa a replacement. If you’re looking for a childhood classic, I highly recommend this one for a little extra Christmas cheer.

Elf (2003)

Have you ever watched a movie around eight times in a row? Well, I have and it just so happens to be this here movie. When Buddy climbs into Santa’s bag of presents as a baby, he is unaware that it will lead him down a life of making toys and eating sugar cookies. Eventually, he realizes that he’s around four feet taller than all the other elves which leads him to discover that he is the son of a man who takes the cake for the naughty list. He travels from the North Pole to New York City where he meets his family and the love of his life. This movie has so many quotable moments making it a common part of my vocabulary. It is a must-watch.

With that, I hope you either agreed with my picks or found some new movies to grace your holiday festivities. If you have any free time over break, make sure to cuddle up with a cozy blanket and hot chocolate and get ready to laugh and experience Christmas through the eyes of a child again.

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