All photos by Tessa Beck, who is currently studying abroad in Berlin, Germany. Captions displayed in order of photos. Graffiti artists are commissioned on rotation “The Colors of Berlin”
Category: Features
Fargo Fashion | Celebrating 15 FABOlous Years
Ninety models, 75 hair and makeup artists, 21 retail stores, 11 student designers, eight planning meetings and one fantastic final show. Much goes into Fashion, Apparel “Fargo Fashion | Celebrating 15 FABOlous Years”
A Bison Abroad: Sporadic Musings
I visited Europe for the first time when I was 17, and I distinctly remember sitting on the flight home, trying to recall the events “A Bison Abroad: Sporadic Musings”
Fargo Fashion | Spring Closet Cleaning
The Closet Cleanse Pull everything (and I mean everything) out of your closet and dresser, and sort it into piles to keep, sell or donate. To “Fargo Fashion | Spring Closet Cleaning”
Fargo Foodie | Finding Freshmen
I am a poor college sophomore. Please cry for me. At the moment I am living off of a strict diet. No, I am not “Fargo Foodie | Finding Freshmen”
Fargo Fashion | Your Own Personal Stylist
[huge_it_gallery id=”14″] Typically only celebrities and rich fashionistas have personal stylists who dress them on the regular, but now everyone can get a taste of “Fargo Fashion | Your Own Personal Stylist”
Fargo Fashion | 10 Spring Break Must-Packs
Those lucky enough to be heading to warmer lands for spring break next week probably have your tickets purchased. But do you have your bags “Fargo Fashion | 10 Spring Break Must-Packs”
Fargo Fashion | Spring 2016 Runway Trends
This spring, wallflowers are out. Designers displayed a flair for the dramatic with their Spring 2016 collections. After seasons of chic minimalist looks, they’re now “Fargo Fashion | Spring 2016 Runway Trends”