We are #NDSUFeminist. We are a group of four women collaborating together to make a difference on campus and in the community. Our group began “Letter to the Editor | NDSU Women & Gender Feminist Activism Group”
Category: Opinion
Tackles a wide assortment of issues ranging from NDSU’s campus to international
Jeb! Bush Offered Deanship of College of Business
Dear readers, I come to you today with more exciting news. My sources within the College of Business have revealed the long search for a “Jeb! Bush Offered Deanship of College of Business”
Veteran’s Office Moving in Right Direction
Gosh, politics are beautiful. We are so consistently terrified of making a misstep that we would rather follow a book than our common sense. NDSU’s Military and Veterans “Veteran’s Office Moving in Right Direction”
The Feminist Cult Will Tolerate No Dissent
If you criticize feminism, feminists will label you as sexist and use unethical tactics to prevent your opinion from being heard. This mentality is not “The Feminist Cult Will Tolerate No Dissent”
The Most Violent Religious Text
For a while now, I’ve been reading comments, Facebook posts and so on about how Islam and the Quran, its holy text, are so violent. That “The Most Violent Religious Text”
Students Should Seriously Debate Dolphin Suffrage
I think it would be beneficial for students at North Dakota State to debate whether or not dolphins should be granted the right to “Students Should Seriously Debate Dolphin Suffrage”
Bernie Sanders and Me
You just want “free stuff.” I get it all the time. Yes, free universal healthcare and free college tuition are a part of Bernie Sander’s platform. That “Bernie Sanders and Me”
Inside Innovation Challenge
The old adage, “You’ll never know until you try” perfectly describes the decision to join NDSU’s 2016 Innovation Challenge. After sitting up in bed one “Inside Innovation Challenge”