What’s standing out to me right now The Bible is separated into different books and each of these books falls into a different category. This “My Favorite Books of the Bible”
Category: Opinion
Tackles a wide assortment of issues ranging from NDSU’s campus to international
No Homework Over Spring Break
Break should be an actual break Every year, students get excited for spring break because it means that they finally get time off. However, that “No Homework Over Spring Break”
When Dietary Needs Conflict with Food Shelf Offerings
Poverty vs. Pain Back when I started grad school in 2018, I attended every club meeting that matched with my class schedule based on what “When Dietary Needs Conflict with Food Shelf Offerings”
Recent Activity in the North Dakota House of Representatives
Despite changes in governmental policies, NDSU identifies as an equal opportunity institution.
Rules of Winter
What to do and what not to do during the coldest time of the year We are in the middle of the bleak Midwestern winter, “Rules of Winter”
How Cerebral Palsy Has Impacted My Life
March is Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month With March just around the corner, I wanted to talk about Cerebral Palsy because March is Cerebral Palsy Awareness “How Cerebral Palsy Has Impacted My Life”
Online Classes Aren’t So Bad
Remote learning is more flexible and accessible to students Often when I am talking with students around campus, the general consensus I get is that “Online Classes Aren’t So Bad”
The Exam Process From a Neurodivergent Student’s Perspective
A reflection on the embodied exam experience One thing I’ve always appreciated about the English major is how few timed quizzes, exams and writing assignments “The Exam Process From a Neurodivergent Student’s Perspective”