CUT: Students were still able to look for employment just in a virtual setting.
Students utilize the Career and Advising Center for career help
North Dakota State University’s 2020 Fall Virtual Career Fairs are the university’s answer to the question of how they will continue to offer career fairs for students during the pandemic while abiding by social distancing guidelines. These virtual career fairs offer students the ability to gain valuable experience, obtain part-time work and seek out internship opportunities.
On Sept. 2-3, NDSU hosted both an On-Campus and Off-Campus Part-time Jobs Fair for students who are seeking to work a part-time job while attending NDSU. The job fairs were held online, and students were able to submit a resume using the CAREERLINK platform through the NDSU Career and Advising Center’s website.
“Users may upload their resumes, cover letters, transcripts, letters of recommendation, and more!” the Career and Advising Center’s website says.
The Career and Advising Center allows drop-in assistance for help with CAREERLINK, career support and other academic advising needs. The Career and Advising Center is located at 306 Ceres Hall and the hours are Monday-Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
These virtual career fairs require pre-registration and scheduling in CAREERLINK. Registration closes at midnight two days before each fair, but students are encouraged to schedule their meeting times earlier.
Using CAREERLINK, students can view the hundreds of positions that are currently posted by respective employers. Students can use other features of the service such as setting up virtual or on-campus interviews, seeing when events will be taking place and organizing their application materials.
On Sept. 10th, the Health and Life Sciences Jobs Fair will take place virtually from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Students in majors such as biological sciences, nursing, microbiology, pharmacy, dietetics and other related majors are encouraged to apply and find more information from employers about internships and other jobs.
On Sept. 17th, the Business Studies Jobs Fair will take place virtually from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Majors that are encouraged for this event include accounting, management information systems, marketing and other business-related majors.
On Sept. 22nd, the virtual STEM – Agriculture Jobs Fair will take place from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Related majors include: agriculture, agribusiness, horticulture animal and veterinary sciences, crop and weed sciences as well as other related fields of study.
On Sept. 23rd, the Engineering Jobs Fair will be offered virtually from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Students that are encouraged to participate in this fair include those with majors in mechanical, civil, industrial or manufacturing engineering. Other majors include biosystems and construction management.
On Sept. 24th, the IT and Computer Science Jobs Fair will take place virtually from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. for majors relating to computer science, computer engineering and software engineering.
On Oct. 15th, the virtual Social Impact and Creative Careers Jobs Fair will happen from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. This social justice and creative careers job fair is for students who have studied public policy, communications, architecture, design, retail merchandising, education and other humanitarian fields and social sciences.
To learn more about each respective career fair, students may visit the Career and Advising Center’s webpage at career-advising.ndsu.edu. NDSU has also released a YouTube video on how to register for the 2020 Fall Virtual Career Fairs using CAREERLINK.