Spring Thaw’s 2015 issue celebrated the artistic and literary achievements of students and the public.
The “Spring Thaw” literary magazine is now accepting submissions for its 2016 issue. The magazine is based from Itasca Community College in Grand Rapids, MN.
Spring Thaw is currently seeking fiction, nonfiction, poetry, short plays, photography and artwork to publish in the upcoming issue. For any writers or artists looking to have their work acknowledged and appreciated, this is a significant opportunity.
“We accept submissions of pretty much any kind, we will look at anything. In the past we have accepted poetry, fiction, nonfiction, moving essays that we feel people will be interested in, along with photography and art work,” says “Spring Thaw” faculty advisor Lisa Marcis.
“Spring Thaw” was established in the ‘70s and has thrived as a compilation literary and artistic work for over 30 years. From what began as a small community journal, it has grown into a widely read and appreciated outpouring of creative work.
“Students who attend Itasca Community College are the ones that form the editorial board every year. They put together the magazine, read all the submissions and discuss what we are looking for,” Marcis says of the submission process. “We select what pieces will be published and the students do all the work of laying it out, designing the magazine and getting it sent to a publisher.”
The approach behind “Spring Thaw” is very liberating, boasting a by the students, for the students attitude.
“Spring Thaw” showcases to work of young and unknown writers and artists. The literary magazine serves as a stepping stone to help aid motivated writers get their names out there to gain recognition and open themselves to potential future opportunities. Its intention is to be outlet for writers looking to be published but may not know where to start.
“I think it’s important to have a place that celebrates the work that students are doing and the community members as well. It really brings them together,” Marcis says.
The call for submissions is open to the public as well. Along with students, members of the community have the chance to have their work published and open to greater viewing platform.
All written submissions, photography, scanned artwork and questions can be directed to Marcis at lisa.marcis@itascacc.edu or by phone at 322-2439.
Include your name and contact information along with the name of the work being submitted. Attach your work to the email without your name to aid in the blind judging process. The deadline for submissions is Feb. 5.