As college students, we enjoy watching documentaries just as much as we love to read textbooks right before bed. Which is to say, not at “The Story of When I Cried During a PBS Documentary”
Author: Paige Johnson
Something’s Just Not Right About that Inn
Here’s Johnny! Back in 1977, “The Shining” by Stephen King hit bookshelves and immediately became a horror success. Only three years later, Jack Nicholson played “Something’s Just Not Right About that Inn”
Writing the Right Stuff
On Oct. 20, NDSU celebrated National Day of Writing across campus with events spanning from 7:30 a.m. to midnight. The nation-wide event is hosted “Writing the Right Stuff”
A Musical in Three Acts: The Magic of ‘Peter Pan’
Act I: The Performance As audience members, we see a very specific part of every production: the polished, well-rehearsed final product. But that’s not how “A Musical in Three Acts: The Magic of ‘Peter Pan’”
50 Years of Art Excellence
Two years after the National Endowment for the Arts was founded, the North Dakota Council on the Arts was founded. Since its creation in “50 Years of Art Excellence”
Review: Empathize Beyond Our Lives
A grueling run through the wild foothills of Tennessee. Viewing nonexistent or microscopic threads just under skin. Dealing with the aftermath of abortion. What do “Review: Empathize Beyond Our Lives”
Why Read: The Importance of Literature in Daily Life
According to a recent survey conducted by the National Endowment for the Arts, American adults are not reading literature. Only 43 percent of American adults “Why Read: The Importance of Literature in Daily Life”
From Classroom to Gallery
Stepping into the Memorial Union Gallery, it’s hard to focus on one place. Fractured glass pieces scattered on the wall adjacent to the entrance grab “From Classroom to Gallery”