Natalie Portman proves herself an Oscar contender in the recent biographic drama “Jackie.” “Jackie” follows the story of former first lady Jacqueline Kennedy in the “Review: Natalie Portman Shines in Jackie Kennedy Biopic”
Author: Erica Nitschke
Student Body Presidential Campaign Time Should Be Extended
As of Wednesday, campaigns for student body president have opened. In just two short weeks, students are expected to choose the NDSU community’s next leader. “Student Body Presidential Campaign Time Should Be Extended”
Staff Picks: 58th GRAMMYs
NDSU Grad Comes Home to Open Rosey’s Bistro
Starting in the early morning, 212 Broadway fills with contractors, vendors and newly hired staff. Employees make laps around the two-storied space, making decisions on “NDSU Grad Comes Home to Open Rosey’s Bistro”
A Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing: What it’s Like to be Feared
This story is the second in a series of features on black students discussing race, identity and microaggression. For part one, visit “No, You Cannot “A Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing: What it’s Like to be Feared”
No, You Cannot Touch My Hair
Listen carefully to Pheafrisia Strachan speak, and you might catch the way she drops the ‘g’ in words ending in ‘-ing.’ You might notice the “No, You Cannot Touch My Hair”