Hello Bison! Welcome to my first coffee shop review of the school year. I have nearly exhausted my options, but I somehow have not reviewed “Coffee Review Series: Black Coffee and Waffle Bar”
Author: Ellie Keppel
Club Spotlight: Sales Club
This week I have two whole club spotlights! The second club spotlight for the week is on NDSU’s Sales Club. According to the Sales Club “Club Spotlight: Sales Club”
Club Spotlight: NAMA
Hello, Bison. Welcome back to another club spotlight! Today we are going to learn about NAMA (National Agricultural Marketing Association). NAMA creates a value-added product “Club Spotlight: NAMA”
Club Spotlight: Cru
Here we have another club spotlight! This week’s spotlight is on Cru! To quote Cru President Tucker Jorgenson, “Cru is a caring community, passionate about “Club Spotlight: Cru”
Club Spotlight: Plant Pathology Organization
Welcome to another club spotlight! This week’s club is the Plant Pathology Organization. This club is for graduate students in the Plant Pathology department here “Club Spotlight: Plant Pathology Organization”
Locking In This Semester
Hello Bison! Welcome back to campus. I hope everyone had a wonderful summer. This summer was probably the laziest summer of my entire life, not “Locking In This Semester”
Club Spotlight: To Be Determined Comedy
Welcome back to campus! With a new semester comes a new series of club spotlights! This week’s club spotlight is on To Be Determined, a “Club Spotlight: To Be Determined Comedy”
Club Spotlight: Philosophy Club
Boy are we lucky, we get TWO club spotlights this week! Our second club spotlight of the week goes to Philosophy Club! As stated by “Club Spotlight: Philosophy Club”