FABO hosts annual fashion show

Sierra Steenson modeled a fashionable party look created by an NDSU student.
Living in a place with snow on the ground for a majority of the year, most people don’t give fashion a second thought. This is best seen through the common choice of hoodies paired with basketball shorts.
The Fashion Apparel Business Organization, or FABO, is a group of students who are either dedicated to their future in fashion or who just want to casually keep up with trends.
In meetings, they often have guest speakers to talk about their careers in fashion. They’ve had quite the variety of speakers from North Dakota State alumni to an Instagram influencer.
FABO’s latest project was the annual FABO Fashion Show. Bringing together students’ personal designs and clothes from stores around Fargo, this fashion show brought style and trends to the NDSU campus.
After much deliberation, the students decided that this year’s theme would be “Stairway to Style” as a spoof of the song “Stairway to Heaven,” giving the show an overall theme of rock and roll. This meant that the models walking down the runway had more of an edgy, fierce look.
Planning the fashion show was a semester long endeavor for FABO. Having to decide everything from set design to hair and makeup, the fashion show was a challenging process with an amazing end result.
Each of the 16 student designers had to go through a set design process, which started with finding a base style to work from. Designers had to take measurements and make any alterations to their design if needed.
After this, they began what is called the “muslin process,” making a cheap version of their design to test fit. Then any final alterations were made before finally producing the finished product.
Alex Meyer, a student designer, designed and showcased two items in the fashion show. His favorite part was seeing all the models get excited to walk the runway.
Meyer explained how NDSU students should know that “FABO isn’t just for apparel majors” and they “love to see all sorts of majors come to the meetings and help us put on a great show.”
The free show had help from stores all around Fargo. FABO had help from Natalie Sparrow of Ultimate Beauty Bar for makeup and Josef’s School of Hair, Skin & Body for hair.
Stores featured in the show ranged from places like Mainstream Boutique to larger stores like Scheels, and even some of the fancier places like White House Black District. Even the NDSU Bookstore was featured in the show.
The show was an enjoyable way to see fun new trends with friends. Being able to see clothing designed by fellow NDSU students was a great way to get excited about trends while supporting our organizations.