The third annual Penny Wars raises funds to aid in research of childhood cancers
North Dakota State University residence halls are currently fundraising for childhood cancer research. Residence halls are participating in the third annual Penny Wars. The Penny Wars is an annual fundraiser to raise money for a selected organization. The organization this year is the B+ Foundation. The B+ Foundation raises money for research on childhood cancers and helps families with other expenses incurred during treatment.
Jen Kacere is the Assistant Director for Leadership Development at NDSU. Kacere advises the Resident Hall Association as well as the National Residence Hall Honorary. She also oversees hall government programs and coordinates Move-In Day.
“The B+ Foundation assists with expenses such as gas to get to doctors’ appointments, hotel stays, help with medical bills or even help pay someone’s mortgage,” Kacere said. “Our role is collecting funds for the foundation so they can do the work they do.”
The B+ Foundation reached out directly to NDSU to fundraise with them.
“[The B+ Foundation] actually reached out to us. They meet with students over the course of the summer to share about what the organization is and what we needed to do to make this happen,” Kacere said. “They have been working with us every step of the way.”
“We will take any student or organization that really wants to give back,”
Jen Kacere, Assistant Director for Leadership Development
The rules of the Penny Wars are pennies and bills of any value are positive points while any silver coins are negative points. Jars for the change will be placed in every residence hall. Jars will also be split by building, house or floor depending on which hall residents live in. Residents will not only compete against other residence halls but also against the other floors, buildings or house their hall. Students are also only allowed to place money in the jars from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. when the hall offices are open.
“We’ve seen a lot of fun come from the Penny Wars,” Kacere said. “Halls have made flyers and are advertising it to their communities. The jars are definitely filling up as we go.”
Penny Wars began as a fundraiser to raise money for St. Anne’s Catholic School on the Turtle Mountain Indian Reservation. The next year, after the popularity of Penny Wars, residence halls hosted the fundraising event again. The winning residence hall got the opportunity to choose which organization the money was donated to. The winning hall last year chose Youthworks.
“A student had an interest to give back and do it in a way that everyone would be able to participate and learns about the organization,” Kacere said. “Our halls really enjoyed it and connected with the Penny Wars concept.”
Last year, residence halls raised around $1400 during the Penny Wars. This year the donation goal has been raised to $7000.
“We will take any student or organization that really wants to give back,” Kacere said.
Students who do not live in residence halls are still able to participate in the Penny Wars.
“If someone has a friend that lives in the residence halls and they want to hand over some change they can,” Kacere said.
Students are also able to donate online through the BisonThon website. Students can donate as individuals or create a team and compete against the residence halls. Also, from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Monday, March 9, proceeds from the North Chipotle will be donated to the B+ Foundation. For proceeds to be donated, students need to mention to cashiers they are there for either the B+ Foundation or NRHH.
To finish off the fundraising for the B+ Foundation from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Saturday, March 28, the National Residence Hall Honorary will be hosting BisonThon. BisonThon will feature a blacklight dance, cookie decorating, a featured movie and other activities.