Steve Irwin is a great costume idea. This is also a really funny picture.
And all of the sudden I’m doing my first “Spooktrum” Edition. I don’t know where the time has gone. Perfect name for the Halloween issue, if I must say. Like the Homecoming Edition, I did a Spectrum Listens piece to get input from students around North Dakota State. This time, the question asked was: “If you could be anyone for Halloween who would it be and why?” No answers were repeated, suggesting many students have unique interests. Some of the answers were very creative and unexpected.
The first response I got was a dual costume deal. The person who filled it out said he and his girlfriend were going to dress up in costumes that complement one another. His girlfriend was going to be Curious George and he would be the Man in the Yellow Hat. I thought this was a very creative costume choice. It brings me back to my childhood a little bit. If those aren’t couple goals, then I don’t know what is.
One student said he wanted to be Steve Irwin. Nothing says “Happy Halloween” like a costume of the Crocodile Hunter. The funny part about this was the reasoning behind the choice. He said: “He was my idol as a child and an all-around badass.” A badass he was. Maybe a little too badass, given the fact that he followed around a stingray and got himself stabbed to death. Such bravery and completely understandable why he would be a childhood idol.
Another person said he would be Three Hole Punch Jim. I had to look this one up just to find out who he was referring to. So no, I haven’t seen “The Office,” which I often get a lot of heat for. Anyway, I thought this was funny because it’s the only response that involved a TV show character. The costume is also just funny in general. Essentially, it’s just a suit with three black dots on the left side of the tie, an abnormal looking outfit, but a great low effort Halloween costume.
Mason Ramsey. Someone would dress up as Mason Ramsey. I think this is great. Who wouldn’t want to dress up as a famous 11-year-old country singer? It’s ironic I say that because his biggest hit song is titled “Famous.” Anyway, this is a creative selection and quite manageable too. All that’s required is a white long-sleeved collared shirt, jeans, cowboy hat and a red bowtie. He might have to throw in a guitar if he wishes to go all out as Mason Ramsey.
Perhaps one of the more unlikely answers was an “engineering nerd.” I absolutely applaud this person for that decision. Take the road less traveled. While you’ll see everyone dressed up as fictional characters looking to get a laugh out of people, this guy has the guts to dress up as an engineering nerd. Genius. He will look smarter than anyone he sees that night. Maybe this is a reverse psychology kind of deal, but either way, it’s a terrific costume idea that expands this person’s uniqueness.
The only duplicate response I got was Spider-Man. I knew I would probably get at least one, given this might be the most common Halloween costume. Don’t get it twisted. Just because it’s one of the most common doesn’t mean it’s not wicked awesome. Spider-Man costumes look sweet, and they catch a nice vibe. Girls love Spider-Man as well. They’ll flock to this costume in hopes of being saved by the web master. (This is a huge maybe, so don’t get your hopes up.)
I guess I should pick a costume. If I could, I would dress up as Stewie Griffin from the show “Family Guy.” Not only is my Stewie accent and personality on point, but I am also very short. I may not possess a football-shaped head, but I would still dress up as Stewie. He’s my favorite character on that show, and I think that costume would best fit me (literally).
So there’s a little glimpse of what students would wear for Halloween. I must say, some of the answers were really surprising and funny. I hope to actually see some kids wearing the costumes mentioned above. Whatever you choose to wear for this annual holiday, make sure you pick the right one. Just kidding, there are no wrong answers for this.